March 2017 News from Rose Healing

March arrives with the energy of action and change and the promise of spring even if the weather is still winter-like at times.  We can see the evidence in the flowers pushing up through the snow.  

Change always brings about the potential for a new experience, a reset, something different and wonderful.  But we have to do our part too. There is the action part.  So think about how you can work with this theme. Choose something in your life that needs to change and work on changing it.  Just pick one thing. Don't try to change everything. Perhaps the age old "Spring Cleaning" is what is needed.  Consider spending some time cleaning the clutter from your home and your head. When we let go of the old, we invite the new to arrive. This is not just on a physical level but on all levels.  

To assist you with this, we have several offerings this month with our advanced practitioners including Reiki Level II training with Betty Sue Hanson, Highest Self Soul Guidance with Mary Ellen O'Brien and Reflexology, Aromatherapy and Vibrational healing offerings. If you are on our direct email list, you will receive notice of this. Self-care is highly recommended at this time and we are here to help. 

So it is with that background that I set intention and asked the Angels to help me be guided to choose the Young Living oil and Doreen Virtue oracle card for the highest good of my friends and clients of Rose Healing. 

OUR CARD FOR MARCH is "Law of Attraction" 

From the Angel Therapy Oracle Card Deck, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D:

“This card signals that you are experiencing shifts because of your spiritual path. The universal Law of Attraction says that like attracts like. So you are attracted to people and situations that have similar intentions to your own. For example, if your intentions are to be loving and to see the Divine within everyone, you will attract loving people and situations. You will also repel people who have unloving focuses.

This is why you may find your relationships and tastes changing. You may avoid old friends who no longer fascinate you, or perhaps you now dread going to a job or club that you previously enjoyed. Know that these experiences and feelings are a normal part of the spiritual path; you are attracting wonderful, new relationships, situations, and jobs that mirror your spiritual focus. Give any cares, questions, concerns, guilt, and so forth to the angels for healing and transmutation.

Our Young Living Oil for March is Lavender

Lavender can be considered another "master oil" in my mind.  Like Thieves from a few months ago, it can do so very many things. If I could choose only two oils it would be Thieves and Lavender. But I have to admit with all the incredible oils that Young Living offers it is hard to just choose two! So we will be covering many other oils in the months ahead. Lavender oil links to our theme of change and action in that it brings a calming influence so necessary when dealing with these times.  

The following is just a few of the list of approved uses for Lavender

  • Calming
  • Sleep Aid
  • Bee Stings, insect bites
  • Burns & Cuts
  • Eczema/Dermatitis
  • Motion Sickness
  • Nosebleed
  • Dry/Chapped Skin
  • Chapped sunburned lips
  • Scar Tissue
  • Deodorant
  • Dandruff
  • Moths and insects
  • Cold Sores
  • Allergies
  • Sunburn
  • Rashes

Use by diffusing, inhaling, placing directly on skin diluted or direct to tolerance. 

If you are interested in learning more about purchasing pure essential oils, please contact me. 

Wishing you all a Happy St. Patrick's Day. Thank you for allowing me to accompany you on this adventure called life.  

February 2017 News from Rose Healing

Hello Friends of Rose Healing.

February is the shortest month of the year but somehow, especially in the Northeast  - it can feel long. During this time we must remember that there are seeds below the ground just waiting to sprout in Spring.  Think about the seeds we are planting for the Spring in our lives. Of course February is also St. Valentine's day and all that is connected with that.  I cannot believe a year has passed since I wrote my first ever blog piece for our book 365 Days of Angel Prayers which happened to be about Valentine's day. For those who may wish to read it, it is available here:  

The intention I set before choosing the oil and oracle card for all of us was what concepts, ideas, dreams do we wish to manifest in 2017? As we are doing each month, I have asked the Angels to please bring me a clear and concise message for my clients and friends using both the Oracle Cards and the Young Living Oils. I asked for a card for the highest intention of all and was guided to choose from the Magical Mermaid and Dolphin deck of Doreen Virtue. 

OUR CARD FOR FEBRUARY IS "Watch Your Thoughts" 

This cards certainly seems timely to me.  We all need to be reminded that thoughts manifest into form.  Realizing that the past few weeks and months have been incredibly difficult on so many levels.  Become aware of when fear is really invading your life.  Question your thoughts "is that really true?"    Catch yourself when you slip into negativity and say "cancel that".   Switch your thoughts to the positive because thoughts become things.  During this month when many may feel they have no control over certain situations, be reminded that you always have control over your thoughts - if you have awareness around it.  And remember our card from January - Meditate.  Always a good choice when we are feeling overwhelmed. 

Our Young Living Oil for February is Rosemary 

Ha! I laughed when I saw the oil that came through for February. First of all it is my name. But more importantly when you read on you will see why it is so incredibly timely and connected to our oracle card and the general energy of the month. 

Rosemary is the oil of transition and knowledge - two things we are certainly grappling with right now as a Nation, and as individuals. Rosemary oil helps with difficulty adjusting or transitioning. It supports one feeling confident through times of great change and helps us gain understanding and perspective.  Well, that certainly resonates for me and I hope it does for you too. 

The following is just a few of the list of approved uses (by the FDA) for Rosemary Essential Oil. 

  • Supports healthy respiratory function
  • Supports healthy digestion
  • Reduces nervous tension
  • Memory booster - excellent while studying.

Use by diffusing, inhaling or adding to bath. 

If you are interested in learning more about purchasing pure essential oils, please contact us. 

Thank you for allowing me to accompany you on this adventure called life.  

January News from Rose Healing

Happy New Year!  We are excited to welcome 2017 at Rose Healing Center with new and ongoing offerings from our amazing practitioners including Betty Sue Hanson, Rocio LaRosa, Mary Ellen O'Brien and myself - Rosemary Boyle Lasher.

I have asked the Angels to please bring me a clear and concise message for my clients and friends using both the Oracle Cards and the Young Living Oils. I asked for a card for the highest intention of all for the month of January and was guided to choose from the Ascended Masters deck of Doreen Virtue. 

Our card for January is "Meditate" 

Meditate ~ Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, Card Meaning: “This card is a call for you to meditate regularly. Your path, body and soul are asking for quiet time to reflect, think and receive insights. Even a small amount of time devoted to daily meditation will bring you great gifts. You do not necessarily need any formal training in meditation. It is simply a matter of sitting quietly, closing your eyes, breathing, and listening.

Additional Meanings For This Card: Be still and listen. You need some alone time. Be honest with yourself. Join a meditation group or take a meditation class or listen to a meditation CD.

Siddharta Guatama devoted his life to finding an end to suffering. He renounced his family’s wealth and tried several spiritual paths, including asceticism, in his quest for spiritual growth. He finally had insight that moderation (or the “middle way”) was the path to enlightenment. He also demonstrated the benefits and importance of meditation, and many of his insights occurred as he meditated beneath the Bodhi tree. Call upon Siddhartha Guatama for help in developing your meditation practice, to practice moderation, and to overcome any form of suffering.

Our Essential Oil for January is "Thieves" 

Distributor ID 1249637

Distributor ID 1249637

Thieves® essential oil is a combination of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus and Rosemary for an aromatic blend that fills any space with a rich, spicy aroma that is uplifting and energizing.  Inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated a special aromatic combination used while robbing the dead and dying.

Thieves is probably my #1 favorite oil.  If you told me I could only choose one (which in Young Living's offerings of oils, it would be hard to choose just one), I would have to choose Thieves.  

Thieves Essential Oil promotes a healthy immune system; balances solar plexus, purifies air and laundry,and makes a great household cleaner.   When Thieves is diffused in a room it purifies and cleanses negative emotions and vibrations very quickly.  It is a great oil to carry with you when travelling. Make sure you keep it handy when you are going on a plane or train or if you are going on a road trip with a pack of kids in the car!

If you are interested in learning more about purchasing oils, please contact us or click on the links above.  

I look forward to 2017 and supporting you in your journey to wellness. Thank you for allowing me to accompany you on this adventure called life.  
Rose Healing Center

December News from Rose Healing

As we move into the Winter of 2016-2017 I am reminded that it is a time to go within, to get curious about what is going on in our body and mind, and spirit.  As the days shorten and darkness continues to increase many of us face challenges with sadness and depression.  However, we are also reminded that December is a month when we celebrate the return of the light (12/21 - Winter Solstice), (12/24 Hanukkah), and (12/25 Christmas) to name just a few celebrations. 

Each month we will release a blog highlighting a different Young Living Essential Oil and a different card from one of the many Oracle cards out there. I will be asking the Angels to bring me a message for my clients and friends of Rose Healing. Today, I was guided to choose from the Archangel Michael Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. The card we received was "Pay Attention to Your Dreams".  This message can come up frequently but it is especially timely in the winter months.  

So are you listening to what your inner consciousness has to tell you? Often times we are being spoken to in our dreams. Keep a dream journal (a simple pen/pencil and paper will do) by your bed to jot down the images/words that come to you in your dream state.  You maybe amazed by what you can learn. 

At Rose Healing we use only Young Living Pure Essential Oils.  Each month we will highlight a different essential oil.  

Our oil of the month for December is Idaho Blue Spruce

Idaho Blue Spruce is an oil which is timely for December. It is physically grounding and relaxing, has a woody/evergreen scent that is refreshing yet calming.  This oil can be used to provide a feeling of deep peace and security. The Native Americans used Blue Spruce for spiritual and practical reasons. It was placed in baths to ease muscle discomfort after exercise. You can diffuse, inhale, or add to your bath. If you are interested in learning more about purchasing therapeutic grade essential oils, please contact us or click on the links above. Be sure to enter distributor ID#1249637 if you purchase directly.

For those who may not know an "essential oil" is oil that is extraced through careful steam distillation, resin tapping and cold pressing. The purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they come.   

Finally, I want to thank all of the clients of Rose Healing, whether we worked individually together, in a group setting or with one of our amazing practitioners like Betty Sue Hanson, Rocio LaRosa or Mary Ellen O'Brien, thank you!  We look forward to 2017 and supporting you in your to wellness. 

Thank you for allowing me to accompany you on this adventure called life.  
Rose Healing Center