Virtual PURE Quantum Healing is a high vibrational energy healing system. It is an acronym - PURE stands for Providing Universal Radiant Energy. It can help calm the the central nervous system which can be especially beneficial for chronic pain, insomnia, digestive issues and overall stress reduction to name just a few. PURE Quantum healing is a modality that works with your Light Body, (your light field beyond your chakras). These light centers are called Illuminas. The Illuminas allow us to raise our vibration rapidly to be in the higher energy of our spiritual light. Rosemary was trained in this system directly by Cheryl Banfield of LoveLight Illuminations®.

PURE Quantum Healing is offered Virtually via phone or Zoom.

Your light field is developing as part of your ascension process, your evolving process as a spiritual being here in a human body.

This modality is energetic, accessing Divine Light and is not religious. Our work is holistic and inclusive of all.

PURE Quantum Healing:
✨Accelerates Mind, Body, Soul healing
✨Releases stress, blocks, trauma, & past lives
✨Offers Clarity and expansion of the Mind
✨Creates sense of inner peace, with spiritual flow
✨Heightens connection with spirit and guides
✨Develops spiritual senses
✨Raises your vibration elevating life experiences
✨Escalates your Ascension process

What to expect during a PURE Quantum Healing Session: During the session we will employ a combination of energy work while also engaging you in an experience of conversation, reflection and ideas on how to follow up on your own after the session has ended. PURE Quantum Healing works with one’s own light body to hold the higher divine frequency of light. In this higher vibration, deeper healing occurs at a quicker rate.

Many of Rosemary’s clients report after a session having the experience of a calmer way of being, deeper sleep, and better clarity of thought in areas of their lives that caused them stress prior to working with her. Rosemary’s energy healing in addresses the whole person mind, body, and spirit—not just the physical being.