January 2020 - A New Year and New Offerings....
/Happy New Year fellow seekers! Wishing us all a safe, healthy, and abundant 2020.
Wishes Ornament
A new year is always a time for new energy. As I seem to suggest often in these blogs, once again this is a perfect time to think about what you wish to manifest in your life. Years ago a dear friend gave me an Christmas ornament that opens and allows you to write down your wishes for the New Year and place it inside. I lovingly put that ornament away until next Holiday season, when to get to re-visit my wishes for last year and think about the upcoming year. It is a powerful little ritual.
I invite you to really think about your intentions for the New Year and write down a list of at least 10 things you wish to manifest in your life in 2020. This is different than “resolutions”. When writing be sure to keep it in the positive. Write what you do want, not what you don’t. It is a nice idea to tuck this list away somewhere and revisit it at this time next year.
What is an Intention? An intention is a goal, or vision, that guides your activities, thoughts, attitudes, and choices. ... Photo by ME Moore
Some one of my favorites on my 2019 intentions wishes were things like: Patiently go about your life – and find positive ways to sort out the details. Put them in their correct order of importance. Organize. Keep to a sensible routine. Be determined. Do one thing at a time. Notice the unnecessary problems that are caused by overreaction or indifference. Stay present in the current moment, not the future or the past.
Ha! I love how ambitious I am with my intention setting! Needless to say I am still working on these in 2020. To that end, I am proud to say that did accomplish a few things related to the intensity of that particular intention for 2019 (being a carried into 2020) including going into the recording studio to play the Crystal Harp and record Guided Meditations for various things like Anxiety, Sleep and Grounding. Thank you to Nicky Rose for helping me accomplish this.
These Crystal Harp Meditation recordings are available on my site right now: www.rosehealingcenter.com/music for purchase and include my New Year’s gift to you – a FREE download of my guided meditation for grounding and balance.
As we move to 2020, I am in such deep gratitude for all of you who have allowed me to be a part of your healing process. I look forward to offering new and exciting groups and events in 2020 including Reiki 1 on 1/26/20 and an Introduction to Crystals Class on 2/1/20. Both taught by Betty Sue Hanson. We will continue to offer Vibrational Sound Healings with the Crystal Harp/Lyre. January is sold out but February, March & April are are already up on our site and available for purchase. https://rosehealingcenter.com/soundbath/
Wishing you a New Year filled with love, peace, and prosperity.