November 2020 Blog - Theme is "True Stability"
/What does it mean to have True Stability?
Image by Luke Kelly
When things are happening around us that we perceive we have no control over we can experience deep states of anxiety, depression and powerlessness. However, I believe that in actuality these moments are an invitation to concede that maybe, just maybe - we actually control nothing. Perhaps this time that we are experiencing is that invitation to connect on a deeper level to our inner selves, our higher selves, and our divinity. This deep going within to connect with our spirit allows us to ‘navigate’ through the great unknowns.
“True Stability does not come from outside sources – it comes from within” Emily Medri – Love Light Illuminations Center.
Now prepare yourselves, I am about to use what I have already told you is one of the most annoying phrases during the pandemic but in this case it is totally apropos. Now more than ever, we are being guided to listen deeply, to ground ourselves, to connect with our spirit, to bring in a sense of peace, balance and stillness no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in.
Over the past few months, I have been training in a new healing system call PURE Quantum Energy Healing through the Love Light Illuminations Center in Maine. They recently released a meditation regarding our theme this month and it includes some wonderful notes being played on the Quartzophone – the pure crystal harp. Emily’s video can be viewed on You Tube here:
November is a wonderful month for connecting with our ancestors and honoring them and their journeys. The month opens with “All Saints Day/All Souls Day” (in many Christian traditions) and the “Day of the Dead” (Mexico). Coming fresh off of Halloween (10/31) and in the ancient Celtic tradition of Samhain where the division of the year into the lighter half (summer) and the darker half (winter) means that the division between this world and the other world are at its thinnest, allowing spirits to connect to us.
Then of course we have 11/ 3 Election Day. As I write this blog on 10/27, I have no idea what November will bring. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring for that matter! But I know each day that I continue to choose to deeply connect to my spirit I am calmer, grounded and stable and I am offering to each of you who are reading this a reminder that no matter who “wins” the election, we still have to live our lives. And I remind you of the quote from Emily Medri that I started this blog with – “True Stability does not come from outside sources – it comes from within”.
November is always a month to embrace gratitude with the arrival of Veterans Day and Thanksgiving. Several of my friends and family have served in the military and each year on 11/11 we honor the veterans of America and their service to this country. Veterans Day, formerly known as Armistice Day, was originally set as a U.S. legal holiday to honor the end of World War I, which officially took place on November 11, 1918. In numerology 11:11 is a powerful number.
Thanksgiving Message: As I think about the many things I am grateful for this Thanksgiving season, certainly near the top of my list will be the incredible opportunity I have been given to share my healing gifts with all of you. Whether we connected virtually or in person, I want to personally thank you for trusting me to accompany you for a brief time on this journey in this thing we call “life”. I wish you and your families a season of abundance, stability, balance, gratitude and love. Rosemary
Thanksgiving is a time when we are asked to remember to be grateful, a time of gathering of family and friends to celebrate the final bounty of the harvest before we move on to winter. Like everything in 2020, your Thanksgiving will most likely be a bit different than other years and the “gathering” might be more of a virtual one. But nonetheless this time is set aside for gratitude. There are endless ways we can express that. Be open to trying a new way, to being aware of the present moment……
Rose Healing Center is here to help you navigate this time. We offer virtual and in person sessions. Please visit our website for specific offerings.