February 2025 Blog đź”Higher Perspective đź”Tiger’s Eye
/Crystal: Tiger’s Eye
Spotlight on: the Birdie XO Podcast & a Limited # of one-on-One sessions
Full Moon: february 12 “Snow Moon”
Quote: “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.
― Maya Angelou
Theme: Embracing the Eagle's View: Finding Higher Perspective in Times of Transition
As many of you know, January marked a major turning point for me as I have relocated to South Carolina, drawn by the allure of warmer winters, proximity to loved ones, and the soothing presence of water. After decades of diverse careers, my husband are I are embracing a simpler chapter, focusing on our life together. The transformation of the Rose Healing Center is interwoven with this desire for simplification and I am excited to be sharing more about that shortly.
January unfolded in a whirlwind of activity. We closed on our New York home, moved the very next day, and spent twelve days with dear friends, our two cats in tow, while awaiting the completion of our new home. We had barely settled in when a historic snowstorm, a once-in-a-lifetime event for the South, blanketed the region. Six inches of snow and subsequent icing left us housebound for three days. This Southern living experience certainly wasn't unfolding as I had envisioned!
In that moment, I faced a choice. Would I succumb to frustration and disappointment, or would I embrace the unexpected opportunity these three days presented? With boxes to unpack, the answer became clear. Once I acknowledged my initial, less-than-positive reaction, I consciously shifted my focus.
Suddenly, a wave of gratitude washed over me. I began to appreciate the countless blessings surrounding us – the support of our realtor, attorney, friends, and family, all of whom played a vital role in easing our transition. My energy shifted dramatically.
The Birdie XO Podcast!
I'm excited to share that I'll be a guest on Kristen O'Connor's Birdie XO Podcast! We'll discuss my healing journey, energy and sound healing (including why they work), and exciting upcoming events at Rose Healing Center. I'll also touch on my recent residency at Kinosaito Arts Center in NY and what's next for me and the Rose Healing Center.
Tune in on March 11, 2025! Find the Birdie XO Podcast on:
Amazon: Listen on Amazon
Spotify: Listen on Spotify
Learn more about the Birdie XO Podcast on:
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Returning to our Theme of Higher Perspective…
“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”  ”
After the challenges of moving in a new home, I returned to my daily spiritual practices, the anchors that keep my frequency high and remind me that all is unfolding in divine order. Since January 21st, we've been blessed with sunny days in the 60s, allowing us to enjoy the outdoors and move our bodies – the very essence of what drew us to South Carolina.
Those three days of unexpected confinement, however, tested my ability to remember that challenges are temporary. I was being invited to see things from a higher perspective, to embrace the eagle's view. And in doing so, I discovered a deeper sense of peace and acceptance amidst the winds of change. Just as the eagle soars above the storm, we too can rise above our challenges and find clarity, strength, and a renewed sense of purpose.
One-on-One Session Availability
To that end beautiful souls, I have a limited number of opportunities left for a one-on-one virtual session. Most session times were booked out quickly, but there are a still a very limited number of appointment times remaining in February and March. If you would like to claim on of those last remaining session times. Learn More.
February 2025 Energy
Before diving into February's holidays, let's acknowledge the Lunar New Year, which began on January 29, 2025. We've transitioned from the Year of the Dragon to the Year of the Wood Snake. The Snake's Yin energy emphasizes inner growth, intuition, and transformation. She is inviting us to nurture our intuition. All transformation begins within.
Embrace your inner feminine mystery and shed light on your inner darkness. Focus on physical health (diet, movement), and declutter your environment (as within, so without). This powerful feminine energy encourages shedding the old, trusting your senses, and embracing transformation. Surrender and release. Snakes symbolize wisdom, mystery, and change, reminding us to be aware.
The snake represents Kundalini energy, coiled at the base of the spine. When awakened, it rises, activating the visionary third eye and connecting us to the Divine. It's also a symbol of medicine (the caduceus) and eternity (the ouroboros). Beginnings and endings intertwine in constant change. Let the snake guide you to shed the old, be aware, rely on your senses, and move with grace. Snake energy is powerful feminine medicine when used with insight. It transforms us from within. Allow the process to begin now—surrender and release.
February has several holiday and events including Groundhog Day, Imbolc (St. Bridget’s Day - Ireland) and Candlemas (Catholic Calendar). February 2nd is Super bowl Sunday which while not an official holiday, it certainly has evolved into a huge cultural event here in the US.
Imbolc (2/1) is based on a Celtic tradition and is meant to mark the halfway point between winter solstice and the spring equinox. Imbolc is just one of several pre-Christian holidays highlighting some aspect of winter and sunlight, and heralding the change of seasons.
Candlemas (2/2) Candlemas Day is another name for the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Forty days after His birth, Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple for the rites of purification and dedication as prescribed by the Torah. The festival is called Candlemas because this was the day that all the Church's candles for the year were blessed. In many Eastern European countries, the feast officially closes the celebration of Christmas. For this reason, Pope John Paul II began the custom of keeping the Nativity scene in St. Peter’s square until Feb. 2. Candlemas Day also was important in the lives of farmers. An old English song went as follows: “If Candlemas be fair and bright, / Come, Winter, have another flight. / If Candlemas brings clouds and rain, / Go, Winter, and come not again.”. In America, Protestants decided we should replace Catholic Candlemas Day with Groundhog Day.
February's holidays often revolve around themes of purification, hibernation, and the anticipation of spring—planting seeds, both literally and figuratively. We see the return of light and lengthening days, mirroring larger metaphysical themes of spiritual awakening, initiation, inner journeys, and honoring our inner artist. February highlight commercially is Valentine's Day, a holiday with complex cultural meanings. It can be a challenging day for those longing for deeper connections, while others joyfully embrace its celebration of love.
Full Moon in February “Snow Moon”
The February full moon is the smallest full moon of the year because it's the farthest from Earth. This is called a micromoon. The name "Snow Moon" comes from Native American traditions and refers to the heavy snowfall that usually happens in February. Some tribes also call it the Hungry Moon or the Bear Moon. The moon appears full for a few days before and after the peak illumination.
Tigers Eye Crystal
Tigers Eye is associated with strength, inner power, and resilience. This is an empowering stone that can help us see the value in life lessons, have trust in the knowledge we’ve accumulated, and believe in ourselves. It awakens the conscious creator within, inspiring easy decision-making, strengthening willpower, and giving us the power of discernment.
To access the energy of this stone, you can either focus on the image of the stone or hold a piece of it in your hand. As you do so, visualize the stone's grounding energy flowing through your body, bringing you a sense of calm, balance, and clarity. Once you have that energy flowing, invite in a new spiritual expansion or awareness.
Thank you for reading this blog and supporting my work. May February bring you many blessings.