February 2019 Blog - Seeking the Light

Icy Hudson River Sunrise - Photo courtesy of Alan Orr, Hudson Valley In Pictures

Icy Hudson River Sunrise - Photo courtesy of Alan Orr, Hudson Valley In Pictures

Welcome Febraury with a Spotlight on Amethyst Crystals and Our Oil is Purification


February has several holiday and events. This weekend is Super bowl Sunday which while not an official holiday, it certainly has evolved into a cultural event here in the US. February 1st marks Groundhog Day, Imbolc (St. Bridget’s Day - Ireland) and Candlemas (Catholic Calendar). Chinese New Year arrives February 5th. Later in the month we also celebrate Valentine’s Day.


Candlemas commemorates the ritual purification of Mary, 40 days after the birth of her son Jesus. This day also marks the ritual presentation of the baby Jesus to God in the Temple at Jerusalem. The festival is called Candlemas because this was the day that all the Church's candles for the year were blessed.


Imbolc is based on a Celtic tradition and is meant to mark the halfway point between winter solstice and the spring equinox. Imbolc is just one of several pre-Christian holidays highlighting some aspect of winter and sunlight, and heralding the change of seasons.


Chinese New Year: is the Spring Festival and celebrations last 15 days and often include massive amounts of fireworks!  Preparations include, a huge clean-up (purification) to sweep away any traces of bad luck.  On the eve and day of Chinese New Year there are massive feasts including whole fish to symbolize the abundance of the coming year. Every Chinese New Year there is a new zodiac animal associated with that year.  2019 is the Year of the Pig.


All of these holidays around the start of February have themes of purification, hibernation, seeking signs of spring, planting seeds (at least in our mind first), return of the light and lengthening of the days.   The larger metaphysical themes are spiritual awakenings, initiations, dedication, inner journeys and honoring the artist within.

Finally later in February we have Valentine’s Day which in our culture has so many double meanings that it can often be a difficult day for those who are not experiencing the relationship they wished they had, while others seem to embrace all things with red hearts.


Amethyst Crytsals


Despite being easily found, this stone has a long history of being associated with luxury.  In the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, amethyst is encouraged to be placed in the wealth corner, where it is said to amplify the flow of prosperity into the home.


Amethyst healing properties are as plentiful as the stone itself. It is thought of mostly as a protective stone. As it is linked to the crown chakra, it is helpful in purifying the mind and clearing it of negative thoughts including stress and anxiety.  Amethyst is especially useful the workplace as it enhances communication, intuition and prosperity.

Using amethyst to decorate the home is a choice many make for its appearance, alone. However, the stone can have many metaphysical benefits as well if placed in the right room. An amethyst in the family room can assist in familial bonding time, and provide the confidence and calm necessary for open communication. Amethyst in the office will bring intuition for making tough, gut decisions in business, and stress-relief for long work days. Placing an amethyst somewhere in the bathroom is another way to relieve anxiety during a soothing bath.

Amethyst is the birthstone for February, (HA! I didn’t know this when I picked this stone for this month!). and known as the Zodiac stone for Pisces. It is also linked to the element of Wind. This element is believed to activate the mind, and assist in clairvoyance and intuition. It is the ideal stone for meditation that seeks to discover the reason for certain behaviors or actions, both on the part of oneself, or another.

We have some pieces of Amethyst available for purchase at Rose Healing.

OIL OF THE MONTH:  Purification Essential Oil Blend™


Purification Essential Oil is an uplifting and refreshing oil perfect blend for use as a household cleaner. It neutralizes odors and protects from mildew and mold. Use for pet odors and diffuse in kennel and barn.

On a spiritual level diffusing Purification can purify and cleanse negative emotions and vibrations. Spray some in an emotionally charged room or in your work space, especially if there is anger, violence or chaotic energy. Or use it as you would sage to help clear a space.  This is a fantastic oil for when we need support in seeing our patterning as it relates to abandonment, rejection, or the fear of being alone. It also can calm anger and conflict and bring back purity of thought and restore order. It opens the sacral chakra.

There are six different essential oils in Purification. They are listed below along with a brief description of each oil.

·       Lemongrass Essential Oil - supports healthy digestive system.

·       Melaleuca alternifolia Essential Oil (Tea Tree Oil) for its ability to support healthy skin and is cleansing.

·       Rosemary Essential Oil supports a healthy lifestyle regimen and overall well-being.

·       Myrtle Essential Oil is supportive of the respiratory system and is helpful for meditation and lifting the spirit.

·       Lavandin Essential Oil is soothing and calming and supports healthy skin.

·       Citronella Essential Oil was used traditionally to prevent food spoilage. Popularly used as an insect deterrent.

How do I Use Purification Oil?

Use diluted - 50:50 dilution (one part essential oil: one part of vegetable oil). Then,

• Apply several drops (2-4) on feet, ears and temples

• Directly inhale, or

• Diffuse.

Can this oil be used for Animals? Yes, for dogs, horses. Note about Animals: Certain oils can be very toxic to cats. Citrus products and oils in particular that are not of therapeutic grade! Please consult your vet if you are not sure about applying any essential oil to your pet.

What are the Safety Precautions? Repeated use can result in extreme contact sensitization. Can be irritating to sensitive skin. Possible photo-sensitivity. Generally safe for children over 2 years of age.

Stay warm and cozy and embrace the knowledge that the light is returning.

Our upcoming events at Rose Healing Center including Sound Healing, Reiki and Special Events.   I am pleased to be a practitioner at two upcoming Retreats in March. Discover Your Power Within: Shine On! With Kacey and A Magical Retreat Weekend with Catherine Anesi, LCSW, RM & Tanya Cole-Lesnick, LCSW-R

January 2019 Blog - A New Year with New Offerings

Photo by Mary Elliot-OHaire.

Photo by Mary Elliot-OHaire.

Happy New Year fellow seekers! Wishing us all a safe, healthy, and successful journey in 2019.

A new year is always a time for new energy. So as I seem to suggest often in these blogs, once again this is a perfect time to think about what you wish to manifest in your life.  I like to write down a list of at least 10 things.  When writing be sure to keep it in the positive.  Write what you do want, not what you don’t.  It is a nice idea to tuck this list away somewhere and revisit it in say June, 2019 or next December.

Time seems to be moving faster, at least it feels that way to me lately. There is a message here about slowing down, listening, becoming aware.   The one thing that always helps with this is getting in contact with our breath and meditation. A reminder to begin a practice in 2019 if you do not already have one. Or if you do, to recommit to that practice.

“I know our salvation and that of our planet rests in our ability to feel connected to each other, to ourselves, to nature and to the universal latticework of light and energy that binds us to this plane
— Julie Holland, MD

As we move to 2019, I am in such deep gratitude for all of you who have entered through the doors of Rose Healing Center and allowed me to be a part of your healing process.   I look forward to offering new and exciting groups and events in 2019 including a Conscious Coupling Connecting Circle (Series of 3 - starting on January 27th limited to 4 couples) and a Prosperity/Abundance seminar tentatively scheduled for March. Much more about these offerings coming very soon.  We will continue to offer Vibrational Sound Healings with the Crystal Harp/Lyre.  January and February dates are already up on our site for the sound baths.  https://rosehealingcenter.com/soundbath/

Wishing you a New Year filled with love, peace, and prosperity.   

December 2018 Blog - The Darkness and the Light

Holiday Message:  As I prepare to celebrate Christmas (which is my tradition) I cannot help but be reminded of the gifts of this past year, where I was fortunate enough to have expanded my practice and my knowledge base via study with incredible teachers including Cheryl Banfield (Sound Healing/Energy Work) and Natalie Kasdan and Anne Samojedny (craniosacral therapy) and Mary Ellen O’Brien (intuitive awareness) to just name a few.  As Rose Healing Center transitions to our 6th year of wellness care, we would like to thank each of you for your kind patronage and support. Being able to share healing energy with all of you, my clients, students and friends is truly one of my most treasured gifts of 2018.  Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Yule, Kwanzaa or whatever you celebrate. 

As I have shared with you in the past, this time of year when the night is long and the days are short can be difficult for me and for others I know.  Over time, I have learned to embrace the energy of the dark which is inviting me to dream, to lay down burdens, and to be aware of what is all around me and within me.   This time of year offers solitude and solace for some and for others it can be an extremely lonely time.   Metaphysically December is a good time to look within, to find the courage to release and let go, to meditate and honor our individual traditions as we prepare for the New Year ahead. The thing I find most helpful during the slower winter months is the knowledge that the light will return. For me grounding and centering occurs through body work. If I can help you ground and center, I am happy to do so.  Please contact me for a session.

There are two different Events being offered in December. One on 12/9/18 at the Lighthouse Retreat and Wellness Center in Croton and one on 12/30/18 at Rose Healing.  Our 12/30 event will focus on setting intention for the New Year.


Christmas Spirit Essential Oil™

Christmas Spirit Essential Oil is the best oil to use during the holidays! But it can bring comfort, peace and joy all year long!

Buy Christmas Spirit Essential Oil

Diffuse for a spicy holiday aroma, place it on pine cones or put it on the logs and throw them on the fireplace. Any way it is used, everyone will love it; and it will keep you in the spirit all year long!   Christmas Spirit blend relieves that occasional blue feeling and promotes

What is in Christmas Spirit Essential Oil Blend? There are three different oils in Christmas Spirit Blend. They are listed below along with a brief description of each oil.

Orange Oil aids in maintaining normal cellular regeneration*. Also has calming effects and may be used for feelings of peace.

Cinnamon Bark is immune stimulating making it highly effective to maintain a healthy lifestyle regime*.

Spruce Oil is grounding and releasing. 


What are the Documented Uses for Christmas Spirit Essential Oil? Abuse, anger, occasional blue feeling, emotional trauma, happiness, emotional heart, bring joy to heart, joyous, protection, stress and trauma.

What is the Spiritual Influence? Christmas spirit helps us to embrace the spirituality and emotions of the season. It helps us to be grateful for our gifts and freely give to others with an open heart.  It allows us to express joy and feel protected; and release negative emotions of occasional blues, insecurity and low self worth.

How do I Use it?  Use diluted - 50:50 dilution (one part essential oil: one part of vegetable oil) or more. Then,

·                Apply several drops (2-4) to wrists, over heart, neck and feet;

·                Wear as a perfume or cologne;

·                Directly inhale; or Diffuse

What are the Safety Precautions?  Dilute before using on sensitive areas such as the face, neck, genital area, etc. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid using directly on infants and very small children.

Note if you want to save 24% off Retail please contact me to get a Distributor Discount.

Thank you for reading this.   Happy Holidays!

November 2018 Blog - Celebrating the Harvest and Doing the Holidays differently

Celebrating the Harvest

Welcome November. The month of Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for all that I have received. October was a month of travel for me. I was in Tennessee, North Carolina and Maine as well as my home state of New York.  


The gifts I have “harvested” from each of these trips are many. I will start with Tennessee where I was able to deeply reconnect with the great outdoors through a visit to the Great Smoky National Park.  In North Carolina, I was able to meet with the amazing crystal wholesale dealers at “Enter the Earth” and have brought home many exciting crystals which I am pleased to offer to the clients, friends and fans of Rose Healing at some very affordable prices just in time for the holidays!

Please note – crystal purchases are available by appointment only.

Finally, I have just returned from an incredible initiation into a healing modality called Love Light which activates the Light Centers of the Light Body.  I am still processing from this event and look forward to sharing more about this in future blogs.

Doing the Holiday Season differently.

One of the themes for November continues to be the letting go and clearing out what no longer serves. As you clear away the old and make conscious proactive choices towards change = what might that look like?

There are many things in life that could use a change. Think about all the structures that you use every day. The most important one being your body as the main vehicle that supports your life. There is also your career, work, family; community; the various extensions of yourself such as your vehicle, computer etc. Finally and perhaps hardest during this holiday season is our schedules and how we use our energy on a daily basis. Perhaps we can consider doing the Holidays differently this year. A little less rush and stress and a little more love and joy.

Realizing this may may require some adjustment and a lot of patience.  Rose Healing Center is here to help.  In addition to our individual treatment sessions, we are offering two incredible sound baths in November and December.


Sound is the link between science and spirituality “No amount of medicine or talking can reach the deepest, darkest places of the human soul. Sound takes you in those places.” Jeralyn Glass

Both the 11/17/18 and the 12/30/18 sound healings will be with the Quartzophone – the Pure Crystal Harp.  This is a deeply transformative experience that I hope you can find the time to join us for.  Advance sign up required.

 The oil for November is Gratitude (of course)



Thanksgiving Message: As I think about the many things I am grateful for this Thanksgiving season, certainly near the top of my list will be the incredible opportunity I have been given to share my healing gifts with all of you through Rose Healing Center. As we enter our 5th year in business, I am deeply appreciative of you - my clients, students, and participants.  I wish you and your families an season of abundance, gratitude and love.


October 2018 "Letting Go"

Oh sacred season of autumn be my teacher, for i wish to learn the sacred virtue of contentment                                                                        edward hayes

Oh sacred season of autumn be my teacher, for i wish to learn the sacred virtue of contentment edward hayes

Welcome to October. Historically the time of many festivals including my most favorite Holiday – Halloween.  In the old tradition Halloween was called Samhain – (pronounced saah-ween) a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter.   So in the old traditions, it was a time to honor the harvest and to celebrate ancestors and those who have passed from this lifetime.  Halloween like many holidays marks the passage of time. We may notice that vegetation dies back with the arrival of killing frosts. This maybe where the ancient notion that the veil between the worlds is thinniest around this time.  In other words, some believe this time of year is when it is easiest to communicate with those who have died.


In more current times Halloween is the holiday where children (and others) don masks and costumes and go trick or treating.   I have tried to figure out over the years why I love Halloween so much. I think because even as a child, I knew this holiday speaks to a sense of fantasy, community and generosity.  On what other holiday do we seem to trust our neighbors so deeply – knock on doors, are greeted with a smile and a treat?  On what other day of the year are we encouraged to pretend to be someone else even and engage our imagination for just a few hours?    From memories of the early days of my childhood in the 1960 and 70’s going door to door with my father and sister to trick or treat, to later going with gangs of friends, or college parties filled with crazy costumes, to adulthood when my husband and I so loved decorating our house and yard and we became the ones answering the door and giving out the treats, this Holiday has always made me happy. 

In October nature begins to show us the cycle of death and rebirth through her amazing display of colors on our trees. It is a time of great transition where the light wanes and the temperatures drop. October is a time for clearing away the old unnecessary things or habits that no longer serve us.  It is a time when we honor those who have died and the gifts they brought us when they were here on earth.  For our ancestors, it was a serious time of setting intention that winter will come and go with the least negative effects.

Our bodies can be challenged this month as it tries to assimilate all the changes in frequency hitting our planet. It will take some discipline and a great deal of compassion and patience and you can begin by looking at how you support your physical body and what you can do to increase that support. Rose Healing is here to help with this.

Some other ideas for how you can honor this Autumn:  Take a meditative walk in nature observing the beauty of the colored leaves. Experience the cycle of death and rebirth as nature shows it to us.   Visit a cemetery where some of your ancestors lie in their final resting place.  Maybe carve a pumpkin, bake an apple pie or don a costume and embrace the energy of October.  Since it is also a time of letting go, consider going through your closets and giving away that which you no longer need or use.  This exercise of clearing away things from our household also encourages a “clearing away” on other levels.

This is a time of year for contemplation.  A time to recalibrate. The themes continue about letting go and clearing what no longer serves us.  Explore your daily life.  Think about what works, what doesn’t.  Be creative, try something new.

Our oil of the month is Cedarwood.


Cedarwood has an earthy aroma that is soothing and grounding. It has been used for centuries by the Eqyptians and Tibetans.  It is mentioned over 40 times in the Bible. Cedarwood is a great oil to help us feel connected, grounded and comforted.  This oil eases nervous tension, calms anger and relieves stress.  It can help us embrace the feelings of safety and security. 

How to use Cedarwood: Apply to 2-4 drops on neck, hands, feet,  Directly inhale or diffuse.

If you are interested in purchasing Young Living Oils, please contact me.

Events Upcoming at RHC

11/18/18 @ 10 AM Sound Healing with the Crystal Harp. 

We here at Rose Healing Center stand ready to help you become more centered, grounded, peaceful and healthy.  Our practitioners, Dr. Pam Charles,  Betty Sue Hanson,  Mary Ellen O’Brien, and myself are ready to help.

September 2018 Blog with Spotlight on Craniosacral Therapy and Interconnectedness

 Our Oil of the Month is Ylang Ylang.


In the last few weeks I keep running into spider webs.  For the past week, each day I open our front door and step onto our porch, a giant spider web has been built across our opening.  This has happened like 6 days in a row!  I think the spider is trying to tell me something.   So I looked up the metaphysical meaning of spider webs. 

A quick search brought me this information:

The spider is an ancient symbol of mystery, power and growth. We take our first lesson from the ancient symbol of the spider by contemplating its web. Just as the spider weaves a web, so too must we weave our own lives. Not only do spiders and their webs draw attention to our life choices, they also give us an overview of how we can manipulate our thinking in order to construct the life we wish to live.

Whoa. Powerful stuff. That last line really resonates for me particularly the part about how we can manipulate our thinking in order to construct the life we wish to live. For those of you who have known me a while, you will know that the spider has long been trying to get my attention.  I think I am finally in the place where I am ready to listen.

The message the spider brings not only to me but to all of us is about the interconnectedness of all things.  Some world religions including Buddhism view that everything in the world is interconnected. When Buddha gained enlightenment, it was the realization that we are all interconnected and that love is the true nature of all beings. We are not only connected to other people, but to the air through our breathing and to the universe through light.

How aware are you that the choices you make on a daily basis construct your life?  Do you choose health? Love? Peace?  I am choosing more wisely every day with new awareness thanks to the spider!


Craniosacral Therapy 

In September, I will be completing my 5th level training in Craniosacral therapy with the amazing teachers Natalie Kasdan and Anne Samojedny.  Of all the holistic modalities I have been trained in, craniosacral speaks to me the most.  So a little about this modality is below. re much more available on my website.


Craniosacral Balancing Therapy:  is a holistic healing practice that uses delicate  touch to assist the body’s natural healing ability. Following the rhythmical flow of the cerebral spinal fluid, the practitioner detects and assists the release of restrictions. Gentle touch on the head, sacrum, and other areas of the body can induce deep relaxation, improve chronic conditions, and release emotional blocks and tension as the body’s inherent vitality is restored. More information is available on my website.  If you have not had the chance to experience this modality, I would love to show it to you. 

our backyard garden with 'samantha' the garden witch.

our backyard garden with 'samantha' the garden witch.

Our Oil of the Month is Ylang Ylang 

Ylang Ylang oil is steam distilled from the flowers of the tree. And means “flower of flower”  It has been used customarily for promoting healthy hair and balancing emotions. Some report that Ylang Ylang  has helped control hypertension. Ylang Ylang is one of the most important oils to be discerning about the quality of the oil you purchase if you want the best results possible.  It has sweet and floral aroma that is very calming and relaxing. It expands the heart chakra.    Buy YLANG YLANG:  

What is the Spiritual Influence? Ylang Ylang Oil has been used to balance male and female energies so one can achieve a state of harmony.It accomplishes this by releasing negative emotions such as anger, possessiveness or low self-esteem. And nourishing the positive emotions such as confidence, self love and spiritual awareness. Ylang Ylang oil also helps those who are physically or spiritually drained. It brings the body, mind and spirit back into alignment.

How do I use it?  Use NEAT (undiluted). Apply several drops (2-4) directly to chakras or feet. Directly inhale or Diffuse.

We here at Rose Healing Center stand ready to help you become more centered, grounded, peaceful and healthy.  Thank you for reading this blog.