August 2021 BLOG – Theme is Energetic Influences & the Crystal is Fluorite

We live in a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire next to a moon that moves the sea, and you don’t believe in miracles?
— Unknown

The more experience I have with being in touch with energy, the more aware I have become over the years of certain larger energetic influences on myself and my world.  I have always followed astrology –not every day, but certainly monthly and I have always been deeply curious about the sun, moon and stars and their influence on us.

Intuitively it makes sense if the sun and the moon can have such deep impacts on our oceans, imagine the impacts it can have on our bodies.  According to H.H. Mitchell of the Journal of Biological Chemistry, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%.    So of course, we have to feel it on some level – even more so if we are aware and in touch with it.

Some of the themes that are coming up in August around the celestial energy include the opportunity to have a deeper dialogue between our heart and head (or personality and soul). An invitation to have a real dialogue with yourself about how you interact with the world around you. 

All of us are on a journey and each of us is being invited during August to examine our stuff.  The good news is we can do that examination outside in nature.  August is still summer and we are being encouraged to go outside and listen while also going within.  Rose Healing is here to help you stay connected to your higher self.  One of our many tools for assisting our clients in doing that is the Sound Healing Instrument the Crystal Pyramid.


They Crystal Pyramid Sound Healing Instrument

 The pyramid form is a statement of perfection and balance.  It is one of the highest geometrical shapes found on the physical plane.  It represents conscious connection with the infinite source of energy at the apex, and complete grounding and physical stability at the base.  They are symbolic of the ultimate balance that each soul must achieve to complete its evolutionary process.

Using our sacred Geometry Pyramid can multiply the therapeutic outcome of a session by placing it above the field of the body.  The spinning motion can focus the sound energy where it is needed.  The enhanced energy field created by pyramids has become a popular field of study in recent decades as a powerful tool added to sound healing.  Many people report feeling revitalized, with sense-perceptions sharpened, after spending time underneath a crystal pyramid. The experience an internal tingling with the sound of the the pyramid shape focuses on releases and beneficial vibrations. Benefits of the Crystal Pyramid include:

Sound Healing Instrument - Crystal Pyramid at Rose Healing Center

Sound Healing Instrument - Crystal Pyramid at Rose Healing Center

  • DNA activation balancing our energy field

  • Researchers noted significant difference in the growth rate of plants beneath pyramids. Why not the internal growth of human consciousness.

  • Spending time underneath a crystal sounding pyramid altered alpha waves to become much stronger and meditation is enhanced.

  • The pyramid enhances and expands positive energy within you

The common feelings of experiencing Crystal sounding Pyramid is of calmness, peace, harmony and relaxation, as well as mild euphoria, feelings of being "charged" with renewed energy, and a sense of detachment from our everyday concerns. Sound healing (with any instrument) can induce deep cellular healing within the meditation state. Crystal vibrations reduce stress, reconnects us to our higher spirit, massages the body, and also helps to restore balance, and align our mind-heart-cosmic connection. If you would like to experience the crystal pyramid please contact us for a session.  

Crystal of the Month:  FLUORITE 


Fluorite is an excellent Crystal for balancing and grounding energies, bringing tranquility within. It allows for negative and lower vibrations to be transmuted into positive, higher vibrations. My friends at LoveLight Illuminations are hosting a Crystal workshop is LIVE online on August 13th at 2pm! Crystal Experience Workshop, exploring a different crystal every month in how their energy is evolving in these transformative times. Learn how to work with all different kinds of crystals in a high vibration To register

July 2021 Theme Independence

NYC Fireworks 2018

NYC Fireworks 2018

Our theme for July of “Independence” is timely because of course in July we celebrate American Independence day on July 4th.   That got me to thinking about my own personal independence. There is so much we can sometimes take for granted living in this great and complicated USA.

“Independence is happiness.” Susan B. Anthony

What does it mean to be personally independent?

A true feeling of independence starts with an energy, a force that fuels and permeates the human spirit.   But here is what I quickly conclude.  A sense of independence is also recognizing that freedom is a state of mind.  Of course it help to have that “state of mind” in the USA.  But it also means having awareness of connection, gratitude, awareness, self-reliance, sovereignty, and safety.

  • A Sense of Connection – fostering healthy relationships

  • A Sense of Gratitude – nurturing an attitude of gratitude for all that you have

  • A Sense of Awareness – being awake to the moment

  • A Sense of Self-Reliance – knowing you can do it

  • A Sense of Dominion – owning your personal space

  • A Sense of Home – no matter where you are at any time, “home” is within

Personal independence is non-negotiable; a commodity that no one can ever take from you, because it has nothing to do with external stuff. Your personal sovereignty is where you reign.

Clear Quartz Crystal is our Crystal of the Month.


“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune in to. —WAYNE DYER"

Clear quartz is the most iconic of the quartz family. One of the most abundant minerals in the world, clear quartz is found on every continent. For this reason, quartz is tied into the lore of many ancient cultures from around the world. The term “quartz” comes from the Greek word for “ice”.  For Crystal Healing therapy it is considered the “master healer”. Quartz has a hardness score of 7. That makes it extremely durable, and apt for a wide range of uses especially in our electronics driven world. Quartz is in our cell phones, computers and more.

The hexagonal structured system of the crystal is made up of silicon dioxide. Just as the human body is comprised of silicon dioxide, the earth’s crust consists of 12% silicon dioxide. Many believe that this similarity in cellular composition accounts for the interactive communication between gemstones like quartz and the human body. 

Quartz is an amplifier. It can be programmed to manifest intentions. To program the quartz with your intentions, hold it in the palm of your hand, and focus on what you want to transfer into the crystal. The crystal’s memory will download your intentions, and help to manifest those goals through its ability to amplify in the same way it does in technological devices. However, quartz healing properties will amplify any energy surrounding or being put into it, so making sure to occasionally cleanse the stone is important in order to maintain a positive energy. 

Quartz can help open up the mind and elevate negative perspectives to more enlightened point of view. Its metaphysical purposes are vast, from helping to expand consciousness to facilitating open communication and stimulating the chakras. For those needing clarity of mind, clear quartz healing properties will eliminate energy blockages and allow energy to flow smoothly throughout the body.  You can cleanse and energize your Quartz by running it under water, placing it in the moonlight, or on a bed of Himalayan salt.


July is traditionally a month of vacation, it is also a month where we are invited to slow down, relax and allow contemplation. Keep your vibration as high as you can and navigate it well. Know that we are here at Rose Healing to support you.

June 2021 Blog Theme is Community


It has been almost 16 months since the Pandemic began, and as I contemplated my theme for this month, I decided to choose community because honestly that is what helped me navigate these past months.  So many aspects of the community of the light.   There are the friends and neighbors around me right in my little walkable hamlet, my larger Town and the even more expanded virtual community of the light. 

My Hudson River Valley NY town is a patchwork of small hamlets, villages and zip codes that combine into “Cortlandt Manor, NY” about 50 miles north of Manhattan.  There have been countless people across a variety of professions who have worked the hardest they have ever worked in their lives during the pandemic. My friends who are physicians, nurses, food service workers, government employees, sanitation and highway employees to just name a few.   Since the pandemic began a few of my very good friends have led massive efforts to help out our local community and I would like to share a little bit about them right now. 

Kacey and Maria created Let It Shine Inc, a non-profit dedicated to women helping women.  During the last 16 months they started a Food Pantry, a Farmers Market and the Let It Shine Again Boutique as well as several amazing free giveaways – some that were “drive by events” during the most dark times.   Many others got involved and volunteered countless hours to making their community better through Let it Shine.    To learn more about Let It Shine


Then there is my friend Clare who normally oversee the Nutrition Department of the local school district. Clare and her team knew there was food insecurity within some families in the district and they immediately set about providing thousands and thousands of lunches to anyone who needed food.   They did this day in and day out from the parking lot behind the high school through every type of weather imaginable.   On top of that every day Clare, who happens to also head the school Theatre Program recorded a Facebook Live Video complete with different costumes to let the  people in the community know not only what was on the lunch menu each day but also that they were supported through this time. That none of us were alone.    She dubbed her video’s “Lunch Lady Live”. People starting following those video’s from across the country just to get their daily dose of Clare helping people to laugh even through a Global Pandemic.   Article “70,000 Meals Served out of a Parking Lot - Local Hero”

Then there is the virtual community of the light that included people like my fellow healers and therapists, Yogis, Sound Healers and the Circle of Women on Facebook and Zoom.  Many virtual zoom group hugs with family members clients, and friends.  All people supporting each other. Thank God for the helpers. Learn more about the Circle of Women on Facebook.

When I was a boy I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping
— Fred Rogers

I can already sense myself forgetting just how heavy and difficult the past 16 months were. Before we move on to whatever the new normal will be, I really wanted to reflect on how fortunate I was to be surrounded by so many loving resilient people who were able lead others to get involved and support their community.  Kacey, Maria, Clare and Kathleen are just a few incredible examples from my neck of the woods. These incredible selfless acts of courage, community and love took place all over our country.

Often, I find myself referring to “last year when we _____fill in the blank” and then realizing that what I am referring to actually 2019.  You know the year before the Pandemic. Like I am trying to just skip 2020.  It was like the year that wasn’t. But it so very much was and it required so much from so many.

As we emerge into this new post-Pandemic world, we can be impatient with ourselves and others, and we can be stubborn as we hold on to past attachments and expectations. Consider all the structures that have been forced to be flexible during the pandemic. We are being offered an opportunity to go inward, and to reevaluate our attachments and do some work to actively release them. 

We also have the opportunity to embrace and accept change as it shows up individually for each of us. Be open to right timing and accept circumstances just the way they are. Being present, neutral, and available is the best way to manage and navigate these times as there are many unknowns and nothing is predictable except change itself. 

June is the month to get outdoors!  It is a time of year that is filled with celebrations – Pride month, graduations, weddings, Father’s Day to just name a few.    June 21st is the Summer Solstice and one of my most favorite days as it is always energetically powerful. This is also a month where adaptability, transformation and transition are the energetic themes. Keep your vibration as high as you can and navigate it well. Know that we are here at Rose Healing to support you.

May 2021 Blog Theme is Nurture


Welcome May. We are truly embracing the energy of spring now - you can see it in the blooming trees and sprouting leaves.  May is also the month we celebrate Mother’s day and all the incredible women in our lives as well as Memorial Day our sacred day of observence for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for America. More about that in a bit.

Our theme for May is “Nurture”.   Particularly self – nurturing.   So how do you allow yourself time for self-care?  If you are a mother of young children do you believe that it is even in your realm of possibility?  We each need to give ourselves permission for rest, relaxation and self-care.  There is that old saying on the plane, please place your own oxygen mask on before attempting to help others.  Another aspect of being a nurturing person is possibly also being called an empathetic person or an “empath”.  Empaths’ seem to be getting more and more attention these days as people who “feel too much”. 

 “Empathy” definition from Wikipedia: Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, i.e., the capacity to place oneself in another's position.  There are many definitions for empathy that encompass a broad range of emotional states. Types of empathy include cognitive empathy, emotional empathy, and somatic empathy.

If you think you a person who feels “too much” and might be picking up on other people’s energy, then you might want to consider these few steps to self-care:

  • Establish a daily practice that you do for yourself.  A daily prayer, meditation, walk in nature or whatever feeds your soul and helps you be connected to you and spirit.

  • Learn to say “NO”.  No is a complete sentence. It does not require any further explanation. You can add “NO, thank you.” If it makes you feel better.

  • Have regular body work.  Massage, CranioSacral, Reflexology.

  • Try a new things perhaps a virtual hands-off energy medicine session.

  • Reach out to Rose Healing Center and ask how we can help ;-)


Upcoming Living in the Light Virtual Event - 5/12/21 through 5/16/21

Cheryl Banfield

Cheryl Banfield

I am very excited to be a Workshop Leader in an virtual intensive 5 day “Living in the Light” program May 12 - May 16 led by Cheryl Banfield of Love Light Illuminations Center. Living In The Light is vibrational training for all aspects of your being: Mind, Body, Spirit, Soul, Oneness. It is more unlearning than learning: clearing misinterpretations, misunderstandings and assumptions. It is for expanding self and universal awareness.

The morning sessions will consist of guided multidimensional sensory meditation. You will receive: transmissions of light, light code activations, and high resonant downloads with crystalline light frequencies. You will have the opportunity to experience energetic shifts opening to higher frequencies for newer understanding, accessing divine consciousness, stepping into cosmic flow and allowing yourself to receive and transmit divine light in a higher vibration. 

The afternoon sessions will continue your transformational shifting through powerful workshops held by 4 light facilitators, all trained LoveLight Practitioners: Catherine Anesi, Rosemary Boyle Lasher, Mandy Mathiesen and Emily Medri. The workshops will provide interactive experiences and learning self-healing techniques for full integration of all 5 aspects of self: mind, body, spirit, soul and oneness.

Living In The Light will bring you into energetic alignment by shifting your frequency. This allows the opportunity to reach newer understanding, access divine consciousness, step into cosmic flow and receive divine light, which you will then transmit out into the world. More information is available.

Learn more about this Upcoming 5 Day Event from 5/12 - 5/16.


As I think about Mother’s Day this year, I am using it as a time to reflect on the many amazing women in my life who helped to shape and inform the woman I’ve become. May is the perfect month to acknowledge them.  I encourage all of you to make a list of the incredible women/mothers in your life.  As I went through this excerise, I really found myself in such deep gratitude for these amazing women of distinction.

I honor first my mother Harriet and my grandmothers Rose, and Mary. Then my sister Laurie and my nieces Samantha and Isabella.   Then there are the Aunts who had a significant role in my life including Betty, Marianne, Collette, Terry, Jessie, Vera, Sally.  My accomplished cousins who are more like sisters, Ellen, Mary, Kelly and so many more.  The incredible role models, mentors and friends including Muriel, Linda, Ann, Helen, Rene, Jeni, ReRe, Holly, Deborah, Betty Sue, Cathleen, Cheryl, Emily, Mandy, Cori, Kerry and so many more.   Many in this lengthy list are now passed but their wise wisdom and love lives on in their children, grandchildren the many lives they touched including mine.

In May we also honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our Nation in the marking of Memorial Day.     Memorial Day is often described as the “unofficial start of summer” with a 3 day weekend filled with grilling, corn on the cob, and delicious desserts.   But it is (or should be) so much more than that.


Memorial Day itself is a sacred day of observance, centered on acknowledging, remembering, and thanking the millions of people in uniform who gave their lives for this country. Before anything else, it's about those brave heroes and the incredible sacrifice they made so that we could all be free.

Of course, in order to properly pause, reflect, and pay your respects to the soldiers to whom we owe our many freedoms, you'll have to first know when to do so. Memorial day is May 31st this year.

Wishing you all a wonderful May.

April 2021 Blog Theme is Emerging

Red Tailed Hawk by Ed Frampton

Red Tailed Hawk by Ed Frampton


These are our themes for April:  Liberty, Rebirth and Emergence. We celebrate the season of Passover and Easter and the energy of liberation and resurrection as we are literally emerging from the darkness of winter and this year long plus pandemic.   


The symbolic "three days" between the crucifixion and the resurrection represents the time it takes for a situation to transform from fear to love. Have patience and faith during the "tomb time" in between the two. Things might still appear dark, but the light is coming.  Fr. Frank Fernandez 

Energetically April is a month to take risks and have faith, reaching for a better life, more meaningful relationships, increased health or whatever you want to manifest. Spring is the energy that can help it burst into life.  

My husband and I are big gardeners and we always look forward to this time of year to start searching for seeds to grow, raking the yard, tilling some soil and maybe sprucing up some old garden statuary.   There is just something about getting your hands into soil that is so life affirming and grounding – literally grounding.  There is also something amazing about watching a seed you planted sprout and grow.


When we think about transferring that to our spiritual lives, what it is we wish to experience this spring and even into summer?   How can we plant the seeds now for our desires to manifest?  Often we can find when we get in touch with our higher self, we find inspired possibilities, new ideas and creativity. Some thought-provoking themes to consider: This is a time of initiating a new self, a new expression and a new experience. What do you want your life to feel like? What is out of balance and needs to be trimmed? Are you in balance with your doing and your being, giving and receiving? 

It is an exciting time, a difficult time, an unstable time as Spring always seems to be.  Metaphysically the Earth is giving birth to a new landscape and we can work with that energy to bring new experiences into our lives.

Rose Healing Center is here to help you manifest what you wish to bring in to your life now whether it be peace, health, creativity or something else.  We offer a variety of services (either virtually or in person) including intuitive guidance, sound healing and body work.

Blessed Passover and Easter and Happy Spring.  

March 2021 Blog Theme is Expansiveness

Expansiveness by Gerd Altman

Expansiveness by Gerd Altman

We are already 9 weeks into the year of 2021 and almost exactly one year (in NY) since the Pandemic lockdown.  Understandably there is an increased sense of restlessness.  Navigating the line between breaking out of our cocoons and springing into action and remaining aware of the ongoing risks will be with us as we move into March.

There is a push/pull feeling going on.  This energy can be harnessed for inspiration.  Instead of embracing fear and uncertainty use this push/pull to embrace creativity and gratitude.   Gratitude always moves us into a place of being present where we can explore our positive options in any situation. 

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. -Albert Einstein

Our expansion can be on many different levels and we have literally thousands of opportunities to grow and expand as a human on this planet.  First we must determine what is it we want to expand the most?  Our Love? Our awareness?  Our Energy?   Our Peace? How can we continue to connect with that idea into March?

Nature is a wonderful guide to assist us.  March is the month of true transition with spring arriving, snow melting, grass growing, trees just beginning to bud. Just under the surface tiny little seeds are about the burst forth.


Spring officially arrives with the vernal equinox on Saturday, March 20, at 5:37 a.m. EDT.  We “Spring Forward” with Daylight Savings time at 2:00 AM on March 14. After what has been a long winter experience, spring will surely be a welcome sign.  

One Year Later

I went back to my blog of March 2020 to look one year ago and found an interesting paragraph which I wrote before we were actually aware of COVID-19 and the looming lockdowns coming. It certainly is timely to re-read one year later.  

From March 2020: Trying times are in invitation to ask yourself - who are you when you are no longer controlled by fear, lack, or anxiety?   If you allow yourself to listen you will hear your own voice and that of Source guiding you. There is real emphasis on how we waste our time and how easily we can be distracted from what really matters. March is energetically inviting us to ask probing questions like what would my life look like if I were free from fear, lack, and anxiety or self-sabotage.   These questions are very resonant one year later.

March brings the energy of the number 3 – it is the 3rd month.  The Number 3 is highly expressive. It encourages us to express our truth, speak up, and communicate our needs and desires to ourselves, others, and the world. The number 3 represents the sum of who we are- a mind, body, and spirit. It represents the harmony and balance that is achieved when we are in alignment.  Staying balanced and paying attention to the messages of your mind, body, and soul is going to be important around this time.


Finally we end the month of March with a Full Moon on Sunday March 28. The following excerpt it taken from the Old Farmer’s Almanac.

This year, because it is the first full Moon to occur after the spring equinox on March 20, March’s full Moon is the Paschal Full Moon. This means that its date determines the date of Easter (April 4, 2021)


The full Moon names used by The Old Farmer’s Almanac come from a number of places, including Native American, Colonial American, and European sources. March’s full Moon goes by the name Worm Moon, which was originally thought to refer to the earthworms that appear as the soil warms in spring. This invites robins and other birds to feed—a true sign of spring!

As always we here at Rose Healing Center stand ready to help you become more centered, grounded, peaceful and healthy this spring either virtually or in person.