February 2021 Blog - Theme is Healing

What is the definition of healing? noun - the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. adjective- tending to heal; therapeutic.

Plum Point by Mark Rosengarten

Plum Point by Mark Rosengarten

Rose McGuire Laug and Rosemary Lasher circa 1972

Rose McGuire Laug and Rosemary Lasher circa 1972

 In 2012 when I was grappling with what to call my newly formed holistic business, I had a dream where my maternal grandmother Rose arrived to assist with the effort.   As a side note, I am often visited in my dreams by family members and close friends who have died so that in and of itself was not surprising.  What was more interesting was the clarity she brought to me that night.  She really is the one who suggested the name be “Rose Healing Center”.   She did not ask that it be named in her honor (she would never have suggested such a thing), but rather she used the scent of roses in my dream and a vision of Mother Mary and she clearly told me to call it “Rose Healing Center.”

Around that time, I was seeking feedback from an eclectic group of my circle of friends and professional connections from government, finance and the holistic practitioner community to seek their counsel on the formation and naming of this new business. Interestingly the word “healing” is what seemed to cause the most concern or controversy for those I sought advice from, especially with those in the more “traditional” roles. Some felt it was like a promise or a dangerous thing to put in a name. Others felt it was too “woo woo”. Finally one suggested it was self-aggrandizing to use the name Rose when it was part of my given name – Rosemary.  By the way another aside I am named for my two grandmothers – Mom’s side Rose and Dad’s side Mary.  I always thought my parents were brilliant to not offend either of their mothers by combining my name. I appreciated all the feedback I was given and certainly listened with interest and curiosity. Finally, I chose what I knew I was being guided to do.  Rose Healing Center is my business name and is named in honor of Rose McGuire Laug.  To us grandchildren she was “Nanny” and as I have mentioned on my website she was a natural ‘healer’.

As the collective consciousness evolved quickly from 2012 to 2021 with massive expansion, awareness and understanding of various holistic methods having gone mainstream this seems almost antiquated now.  But in 2012/2013 these seemed like major concerns. Behind these anxieties were thoughts like, “what will people think if….”  “how will I be perceived if…..”  These were brief in the context of a deep understanding of what I was being called to do.   Rose HEALING Center to me does not mean a promise of a cure but rather it is an invitation for my clients to become more deeply aware of their connection to spirit.

Click image to listen to full podcast from 2019

Click image to listen to full podcast from 2019

In 2019 when I was being interviewed by my dear friend Kacey Morabito Grean for her podcast and radio show “Shine On” she asked me one of the most pointed questions and my answer surprised even me!  I share it with you here now at this pivotal time in history. Kacey Morabito Grean to Rosemary during Podcast May 26, 2019:  Kacey: “If you could share a message to everyone from the Rose Healing Center – what would it be?”

Be curious; be open; be thoughtful about other approaches for the body, mind and spirit to heal in ways beyond that which you have already been told is possible.
— Rosemary Boyle Lasher
Cardinal in snow by melina cronin

Cardinal in snow by melina cronin

The theme this month of healing is about our collective and individual healing from this pandemic and beyond.  How will we invite that into our own individual experiences?  Are we able to envision a future where there is a new reality?  These are all thoughts I am pondering.

I am also really looking at my own life and behavior patterns during this time.  Am I the best version of myself? How can I continue to improve even when I feel the heaviness (literally and figuratively) of this intense time. Knowing that I have resources and help all around me is a comfort.  I hope to bring that wisdom and comfort to others in my offerings at Rose Healing.  We have two methods to see clients – virtually and in person. Please visit our schedule appointment link for more information.  

In the meantime, know that we enter February with the energy of mercury retrograde, another invitation to pause, re-evaulate and go within. During that time, I offer you a free 10 minute video of the crystal harp. It is available on our home page for you to enjoy.

January 2021 - Awareness, Trauma & Intention


I am thrilled to be one of several excellent presenters at the Let It Shine New Year's Weekend Retreat that starts 10 AM Friday 1/1/21 on Zoom and continues with inspiring and interactive sessions through January 2nd and 3rd.  Sign up for just $35. If you can't make the live sessions, watch the videos later. Advance Signup: https://kacey.co/new-year-retreat If you are looking to release the energy of 2020 and start 2021 with excitement, inspiration, and positive energy then I can think of no greater group of healers available at such a reasonable price over a 3 day period. Looking forward sharing this experience together with all of you.

My theme word for the month turned into theme words for January 2021.   The first theme word that came to me for the January blog is

a·ware·ness noun  knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. 

Our knowledge of perception of a situation or fact is 2020 is coming to an end (finally) and 2021 is starting!  A new year with a new awareness and perhaps cautious optimism.  I have recently read several musings from talented writers of their own humor in re-reading their 2020 New Year’s Resolutions that of course they started writing in 2019.  How they look back with great laughter and amusement on all they “intended” to do in 2020, you know…..before COVID.  Things like Go to College, Travel, Join a Gym, Be more Social, Get out the House more, have a Huge Family Reunion, etc. etc. You get the picture.  But none of those things happened because we were all given a giant “timeout” and serious reality check.

Awareness around the trauma that was 2020 and is carrying over into 2021 is important.    We went from COVID illness, deaths, shut downs and quarantines to “adjusting to the new normal. But how can we adjust to an ever changing situation?    This Pandemic has had a profound impact on our daily lives and it is different than more localized disasters like a tornado or a hurricane. With those types of catastrophic events – the damage is more immediately visible and there are disaster recovery systems in place to help.   During COVID, for many people the destruction is quiet, maybe invisible and ongoing.   Radical shifts in work, school, home, businesses for sustained periods of time are traumatic. That leads us perfectly to my second Theme Word for January  - Trauma.

trau·ma noun - a deeply distressing or disturbing experience.

In New York, when the COVID shutdowns started on 3/13/20 and extended into the phased re-openings and maybe we can do this with masks on everywhere over the summer and more recently “targeted shutdowns” starting again, we collective experienced what psychologists call the “7 Stages of Grief”.

  1. Shock and denial.

  2. Pain and guilt

  3. Anger and bargaining.

  4. Depression.

  5. The upward turn.

  6. Reconstruction and working through.

  7. Acceptance and hope. 

There are days when I think I experience all 7 of these stages before lunch. But I am hopeful that we are now in the phases of “reconstruction, working through, and most importantly HOPE”.  I remind myself every day that there is so much to be grateful and happy about. Maybe this is my “working through” phase.  The acceptance phase for me is embracing letting go of the idea of “going back to normal”.  There is really never any “going back” when we think about anything.  In the course of time, we always move forward.  The past created the present and present is creating the future.   That leads us perfectly into our 3rd theme word for January.

in·ten·tion noun  1.  a thing intended; an aim or plan.  2. In Medicine: the healing process of a wound.  Similar: HOPE

“The number one principle that rules my life is intention. Thought by thought choice by choice we are co-creating our lives based on the energy of our intention.”   Oprah Winfrey

“The number one principle that rules my life is intention. Thought by thought choice by choice we are co-creating our lives based on the energy of our intention.”   Oprah Winfrey

How interesting that there are two main definitions for intention and one of them is Medicine: the healing process for a wound.  The other is the aim or plan.  Both are perfect as we close the books on 2020 and welcome in 2021.  We are certainly in the healing process of a wound (2020) and a thing intended (2021). There are many ways to set intention all year long but it is by far most popular at the New Year.

In intention setting our first task is to have a better idea of what we want the outcome to be. We’ll see what happens” is not an answer to “What do you want?” What do you desire? How do you want things to change?  Desire forms our sense of direction and moves us forward.    

Instead of the usual lose weight, eat better (always good ideas by the way) try instead digging deeper.  Reflect on the principles you might want to embrace as you embark on in 2021. Maybe this year, be a little kinder, a little gentler. Consider just a few things.  Utilize what I like to call your “direct connection” to Spirit and allow some thoughts to come up around what you believe your guiding principles are.  Then ask yourself what is it you truly desire in 2021? 

“When you tend to what you value, what you value thrives.” Carolyn Myss as quoted by Kacey Morabito Grean to the Circle of Women.  

Rose Healing Center is here to help you stay grounded, centered and healthy in 2021. Please contact me for a session either virtual or in person. Thank you for reading this.  As my dear cousins wrote in their card to me - “May the trials of the past year be our future inspirations”. Love, Light and Blessings to everyone.  Wishing you health, safety, peace and happiness in 2021.   

December 2020 Blog - Darkness and Light


“We do not remember days. We remember moments.”  ~Cesare Pavese

The image I share this month is of the quintessential New York Holiday with Radio City in the background.  It reminds me of years past when we would go with the family to the City to see the Rockettes Christmas Show, walk by the shop windows and visit the Rockefeller Center Tree. But that is not to say that we cannot find joy in the smaller moments of life. That is what I intend to do this holiday season. Embrace the moment, the awareness and yes, even the quiet of being close to home.   


Holiday Message:  As I prepare to celebrate Christmas (which is my tradition) I am thoughtful about the year that was 2020 and like so many of us I imagine, allowing the feeling of just wanting it to be over.  But also understanding that our experience of this pandemic appears to be far from over.  Then my thoughts immediately turn to my great gratitude to all of you who supported Rose Healing Center over this past tumultuous year.  2021 will be our 8th year of offering vibrational energy medicine both in person and virtually.   I would like to thank each of you for your kind patronage and support. Like many small businesses 2020 was our most difficult. Without all of you it would not exist. I so appreciate the many clients who stayed with me through the storm of this Pandemic.   Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Yule, Kwanzaa or whatever you celebrate. 

2020 may well have been the most difficult and challenging year any of us may ever have experienced, however it is in the dark we find the light.   I know this year I am finding myself so grateful for the small moments in life.  A conversation of depth and meaning with a family member, client or friend.  A moment by the river or ocean.   The awareness of the tides, the seasons, the light and the dark.  These are all gifts of deep awareness.  Between now and the end of the year - we will experience 2 eclipses. A lunar eclipse on 11/30 just as we move into December and a full solar eclipse on 12/14. Eclipses stir up the energy. Oh goodie! We haven’t had enought stirred up energy in 2020 right? These two eclipses are inviting us to consult with our soul and ask why are we here in this very unique time on our planet? The answer maybe simple like we are here to help each other navigate this experience. To uplift others we must remain uplifted. Resonating in the higher frequencies, connected deeply to our soul through our practices of meditation or body movement or prayer or whatever your individual process or practice is. Each day is a an inviation to choose which end of the spectrum will you move towards - lightness or darkness. Are you adding to pain or bringing through joy? Are you projecting love or fear? Are you connecting deeply with your soul? Are you acting with self-respect and being a support to yourself and others? When we take the time to recognize all the abundance and gifts in our lives, we can appreciate, feel and experience so much more. We are not alone. There is divine support all around us.

The Winter Equinox arrives on 12/21. I love this description of what the Winter Equinox invites us to experience. The Winter Solstice celebrates the presence of Spirit and the power of faith and hope that our visions of the future will come into manifestation. In the middle of winter we pray and hope that the light will return. Winter Solstice is not about having the light. It is about carrying hope and moving toward a vision that we will work to make a reality. It is a time of patience, like that of an expectant mother who can sense the spirit of the child within but must wait until the actual quickening that physical life is truly within her. We must wait in the darkness of Midwinter, and this is not easy for most of us who are not comfortable with the dark, silence, resting and dreaming. In the darkest part of the year when the days are shortest, Nature asks us to slow down, to be with loved ones, to listen rather than to speak. Under the ground the earth silently sleeps. Seeds rest in suspended animation, and the animals hibernate. In contrast, we humans rush frantically to shop, decorate and “celebrate”, stressing ourselves with activity when we really need to rest, dream and gather strength in our bodies for the coming season of renewal. Nature teaches us that resting, drawing inward for a time, is present in all living things. Rest is necessary for growth that comes later in the season. The Sun will return.” ~from Ruth Barret


In December I complete my year-long training in a new virtual healing modality called PURE Quantum Healing.  PURE stands for Providing Universal Radiant Energy. This modality is works in a high vibrational energy healing system that has newly evolving light centers that are located in the outermost layer of the body’s energy field. These light centers are called Illuminas and are crystallyine dodecedron in shape. (See Image). The Illuminas allow us to raise our vibration rapidly to be in the higher resonance with our spiritual light. I received my training in this new light system by Cheryl Banfield of the Love Light Illuminations Center in Maine.  I look forward to sharing this new modality with you. More information on my website.

As we collectively face what appears to be the “2nd wave” of COVID-19, this time of year where the days are short and the nights are long is proving very difficult for many perhaps this year more than ever before.   Metaphysically December is a good time to look within, to find the courage to release and let go, to meditate and honor our individual traditions as we prepare for the New Year ahead.  

But for now, consider ending this year by demonstrating just how much you have learned about love, freedom, problem-solving, and responsibility. Feel the love that surrounds you and let those who matter to you know how much you appreciate them. Love them for who they are instead of wishing they were somehow different. Allow December to be a very special time for home, family, romance, harmony, and beauty. The thing I find most helpful during during this time is the knowledge that the light will return and to find ways where I can incorporate grounding and centering through my healers and being in nature.  If I can help you ground and center, I am happy to do so.  Please contact me for a session either virtual or in person.

Thank you for reading this.   Happy Holidays!  Looking forward to a better 2021 together.

November 2020 Blog - Theme is "True Stability"

What does it mean to have True Stability?

Image by Luke Kelly

Image by Luke Kelly

When things are happening around us that we perceive we have no control over we can experience deep states of anxiety, depression and powerlessness.  However, I believe that in actuality these moments are an invitation to concede that maybe, just maybe - we actually control nothing. Perhaps this time that we are experiencing is that invitation to connect on a deeper level to our inner selves, our higher selves, and our divinity.  This deep going within to connect with our spirit allows us to ‘navigate’ through the great unknowns.

True Stability does not come from outside sources – it comes from within”  Emily Medri – Love Light Illuminations Center.

Now prepare yourselves, I am about to use what I have already told you is one of the most annoying phrases during the pandemic but in this case it is totally apropos. Now more than ever, we are being guided to listen deeply, to ground ourselves, to connect with our spirit, to bring in a sense of peace, balance and stillness no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in.

Over the past few months, I have been training in a new healing system call PURE Quantum Energy Healing through the Love Light Illuminations Center in Maine.   They recently released a meditation regarding our theme this month and it includes some wonderful notes being played on the Quartzophone – the pure crystal harp.  Emily’s video can be viewed on You Tube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w02bEclYsBo


November is a wonderful month for connecting with our ancestors and honoring them and their journeys. The month opens with “All Saints Day/All Souls Day” (in many Christian traditions) and the “Day of the Dead” (Mexico).  Coming fresh off of Halloween (10/31) and in the ancient Celtic tradition of Samhain where the division of the year into the lighter half (summer) and the darker half (winter) means that the division between this world and the other world are at its thinnest, allowing spirits to connect to us.   

Then of course we have 11/ 3 Election Day.  As I write this blog on 10/27, I have no idea what November will bring.  I have no idea what tomorrow will bring for that matter! But I know each day that I continue to choose to deeply connect to my spirit I am calmer, grounded and stable and I am offering to each of you who are reading this a reminder that no matter who “wins” the election, we still have to live our lives. And I remind you of the quote from Emily Medri that I started this blog with – “True Stability does not come from outside sources – it comes from within”.  


November is always a month to embrace gratitude with the arrival of Veterans Day and Thanksgiving.   Several of my friends and family have served in the military and each year on 11/11 we honor the veterans of America and their service to this country. Veterans Day, formerly known as Armistice Day, was originally set as a U.S. legal holiday to honor the end of World War I, which officially took place on November 11, 1918. In numerology 11:11 is a powerful number.


Thanksgiving Message: As I think about the many things I am grateful for this Thanksgiving season, certainly near the top of my list will be the incredible opportunity I have been given to share my healing gifts with all of you. Whether we connected virtually or in person, I want to personally thank you for trusting me to accompany you for a brief time on this journey in this thing we call “life”.  I wish you and your families a season of abundance, stability, balance, gratitude and love. Rosemary

Thanksgiving is a time when we are asked to remember to be grateful, a time of gathering of family and friends to celebrate the final bounty of the harvest before we move on to winter.   Like everything in 2020, your Thanksgiving will most likely be a bit different than other years and the “gathering” might be more of a virtual one. But nonetheless this time is set aside for gratitude. There are endless ways we can express that. Be open to trying a new way, to being aware of the present moment……

Rose Healing Center is here to help you navigate this time.  We offer virtual and in person sessions. Please visit our website for specific offerings.  

October 2020 Blog - the Theme is "Finding Balance"

Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World


At this time of year we honor the gifts the earth has given us and we celebrate my favorite Holiday – Halloween.  Halloween in the old tradition was called Samhain – a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter.

All around us now nature shows us the cycle of death and rebirth.  It is a time of great transition where the light wanes and the temperatures drop. October is a time for clearing away the old unnecessary things or habits that no longer serve us.  We set the intention during October that winter will come and go with the least negative effects. For our ancestors this was quite a serious process that included storing food from their harvests.  


October 1st starts with a Full Moon – known as the Harvest Moon.   This October 1st full moon offers us an opportunity to find balance.  Balance between the internal life and the external life.  Time alone and time with others (even if that time with others is on a screen!).  This moon also invites us to be in gratitude for all the things we are truly grateful for in our lives. The full moon is where we pull our theme from this month. The full title for this month’s theme that came to me is “Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World”. Interestingly October also ends with a Full Moon on October 31st (Halloween) which is quite rare. That 10/31 Full Moon is the Halloween Blue Moon. A full moon on Halloween has not been visible across all U.S. time zones since 1944, according to the Farmers' Almanac.

Autumn stream by scott harrison

Autumn stream by scott harrison

“You must enter into the silences between the leaves” John Moffit, the Living Seed

Like many of you, I am seeking information and thoughts from other humans on the Coronavirus or COVID19 pandemic.  One person who I found interesting in his view on COVID was Gregg Braden. For those of you who might be unfamiliar with Mr. Braden he is a scientist, educator and author.  I found his thoughts to be worthy of sharing with all of you.  It is a different way to view the pandemic and our immune systems.

Mr. Braden says “humans are made to adapt and thrive in contagion conditions and we will have that happen again. There is new proof that consciousness informs itself through its creations. We are capable of so much more than we are lead to believe. Our blood and neurons and membranes are so much more intelligent than we ever knew. When we love ourselves enough to give ourselves what we need. Like good nutrition, adequate sleep, movement, body work and meditation - everything that honors our relationship - then we thrive. Not just survive - but thrive - even in a pandemic. Our immune system is determining how we survive in COVID19 and sound is a powerful part of that. Words, language, music and what you consume. What you consume on every level - food, movement, media. We transcend the great challenges of our time when we are deeply reconnected to our humanness. How precious is our humanness in the presence of the unknown?” If you wish to learn more: https://www.greggbraden.com/

Our bodies can be challenged this month as it tries to assimilate all the changes in frequency hitting our planet. It will take some discipline and a great deal of compassion and patience and you can begin by looking at how you support your physical body and what you can do to increase that support. Rose Healing is here to help through either virtual or in person sessions.  

Some other ideas for how you can honor this autumn.  Take a meditative walk in nature observing the beauty of the colored leaves and how easily the tree let go of the leaves. Consider continuing this theme in your life by going through your closets and giving away that which you no longer need or use.  This exercise of clearing away things from our household also encourages a “clearing away” on other levels. Try to become aware of a bigger picture, be in tune with the cycles that are occurring all around you.   Once we get in touch with our inner selves we are better able to navigate the world of change which is all around us. 

Rose Healing Center is open for individual in person sessions and continues to offer virtual sessions.  At this time we are not holding any events in our space.  We will continue to keep you updated.  Wishing you all health, happiness and balance in your month ahead.

September 2020 Blog - Theme is "Integration"

Photo by Jose Rios

Photo by Jose Rios

In the month of September we begin to integrate all that has 2020 has brought us so far and that is a great deal of change.   As we begin to try to assimilate all of this, I would like to remind you to be gentle with yourself. There is no playbook or one size fits all solutions to the challenges of this year.  The journey is both collective AND individual.

Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself.
— Desiderius Erasmus

September is the month of the Autumn Equinox - this year it falls on 9/22/20. The word “equinox” comes from Latin aequus, meaning “equal,” and nox, “night.” On the equinox, day and night are roughly equal in terms of length. During the equinox, the Sun crosses what we call the “celestial equator”—an imaginary extension into space of Earth’s equator line. The equinox occurs precisely when the Sun’s center passes through this line. When the Sun crosses the equator from north to south, this marks the autumnal equinox; when it crosses from south to north, this marks the vernal equinox.  Source: Farmer’s Almanac

September is the month we honor those who lost their lives on 9/11/01.  Like everything else in 2020, this year the remembrance will be different. But thanks to the incredible “Tunnel to Towers Foundation” the tribute in lights WILL illuminate the sky in lower Manhattan on 9/11 as they have for many years now.  Many other aspects of this annual ceremony will move virtual. Just another thing that is “different this year”. If you are not familiar with the amazing charity, I encourage you to learn more by visiting their website: https://tunnel2towers.org/

For the past several years, my friend and I have travelled to Omega in Rhinebeck NY at the beginning of September to participate in their Ecstatic Chant weekend. It has become a bit of a tradition for us.   We love seeing Deva Premal and Krishna Das in particular.  Alas, like everything else in 2020 – we need to pivot to something else or at least modify our expectations. I find myself a bit sad to not be experiencing the power and energy of being together in a crowd singing with such incredible kirtan masters.  

Chanting is a spiritual practice known in Sanskrit as kirtan. Devotional chanting awakens a longing in the heart for the experience of inner silence, boundless love, and intimate union with the divine. Emerging from Hindu traditions in India, kirtan is practiced by millions of people. The call-and-response, rhythmic quality of these unifying chants kindles an exhilarating, joyful mood and is accepted as one of the surest paths to enlightenment. In recent years, pioneering musicians and seekers have brought this magical tradition to the West. Source: Deva Premal

So in keeping with the theme that normally I would have started my September with devotional chanting, I share here some of the insights of Krishna Das also known by the nickname “KD”. These insights of his really resonated with me during this time:

KD has said “You can’t think yourself out of a prison that is made of thought.    Every fear and emotion we cling to IS the prison. We can train ourselves to Let Go.  He notes that letting go is different than pushing away.   Getting in contact with ourselves is what this time is all about. Beyond anxiety, beyond fear, shame, guilt selfishness. Our job is to pay attention – to remember who we are.  It is not easy. You have to practice.  If you want to be the best instrument you must practice to open ourselves to that space in us.”   

So well said KD.  We have to practice our spiritual connection like we would practice an instrument.  Certainly 2020 is teaching us this and more! I am so happy to annoucne that Rose Healing Center is Open for in-person private practice starting 9/1/20.  When you return to our healing space, there will be new changes and ways we are utilizing to keep you and others safe. We will continue to offer online remote session for those who prefer not to visit Rose Healing Center in person.  Our full plan for reopening to physical is available on the website. I very much look forward to welcoming you to the physical space again 🙏