February 2022 – Inner Resourcing

Cardinal in Winter by Melina Cronin

Photo by Melina Cronin

Your inner world (the one that runs your outer experiences) is where everything comes from. If you don’t resonate with what is outside of you – then come within and connect with your true reality and project it out into your physical life
— Elizabeth Peru

We open February with the Aquarius New Moon which arrives Tuesday, February 1 @ 12:46 AM ET.  We are being reminded to move forward with mindful awareness of where you have come from and what has gone before-- as well as where you are going. This theme of looking back/looking ahead. It is time for a new vision-- what is that new vision that can change the game? Where in our lives are we called to change? 

WOMEN’S WINTER RETREAT with Kacey Morabito Grean and I will be playing my Crystal Harp in person.

February 25th - February 27th, 2022 at Mariandale Retreat Center, Ossining, NY.

It has been 2 years since I was last able to join my great friend Kacey at Mariandale to participate in one of her In Person Retreats and play the Crystal Harp in the most incredible space - the Chapel. Check out the amazing group of healers offered in this IN PERSON retreat at such a reasonable price. I look forward to seeing you all there. Learn More

The image to the left is from February 2020 when we were last able to be at Mariandale in person and share the incredible experience of an in-person retreat. It was such an honor to play in the Chapel. I so look forward to this again.

February also opens with Chinese New Year on 2/1/22. It is the year of the Water Tiger – a unique symbol that only comes every 60 years.   February while being the shortest month action packs events and holidays – perhaps to help those of us who live in the part of the planet that is deep in winter now.  February 2nd marks Groundhog Day, Imbolc (St. Bridget’s Day - Ireland) and Candlemas (Catholic Calendar). Later in the month we also celebrate the Superbowl on 2/13 and Valentine’s Day on 2/14.   For those who are interested I added a bit more about these holidays at the end of this post.

All of these holidays around the start of February have themes of purification, hibernation, seeking signs of spring, planting seeds (at least in our mind first), return of the light and lengthening of the days.   The larger metaphysical themes are spiritual awakenings, initiations, dedication, inner journeys and honoring the divine within.  It really is about our INNER RESOURCES now.  

During stressful times like these, it’s more important than ever to resource your mind and body. Resourcing is a key principle in trauma healing. It refers to anything that supports your health. There are external resources like your relationships with loved ones or pets, nutritious food, sunshine etc. There are internal resources as well; they come from within. These include sleeping, spiritual or mindfulness practices, breath work, accepting the parts of you that are hard to accept and so on. During stressful times, the more we connect to these resources, the more we can nurture our mental, emotional and physical well-being.

Here’s a simple resourcing practice that seeks to quiet your mind, calm your nervous system, and reconnect you to the health that’s ever-present in your body.  

Set aside 10 minutes or so. Find a comfortable position, either seated or lying down. Take a few deep breaths and on your next exhale, exhale your awareness into your body. Once you’ve dropped your attention into your body, notice the sensations that are present.  Open your mind to perceive more. Notice the range of sensations, some of which may be pleasant and others less so. Keep an open and curious attitude, noticing the quality, tone, shape, and movement of these sensations.

When you notice areas of tension of pain, acknowledge them without judging. Let them be there without becoming attached or worried. As you’re scanning your body, are there emotions present? Are there certain areas of your body that you can more easily perceive and others less so? Accept and allow whatever you notice.

Let your mind relax for a few moments as you let go of all that you’ve noticed. Take a couple deep breaths. If your mind wanders during this practice, let that happen and then invite it back to the felt sense of your body.    Because your emotions are more intense and uncomfortable when stressed, it’s easy to numb out. When you’re in your body, you’re close to if not connected to your feelings, which in times like these include grief, anger, frustration, sadness, etc. 

The more we can stay in your body, the more these feelings can pass through you. As they do, it’s important to have this inner safe haven and resource where your attention can go when you need a break and the feelings are too much.   This inner resourcing practice can quiet your mind, remind your nervous system that you’re safe, and reconnect you to the health that’s in your body regardless of your ailments. It’s also a way to work through physical pain, as it can help shift the brain from fixating on problems in your body to experiencing pain within the context of a healthy system.

AMETHYST is our Crystal of the Month: (Birthstone for Feb) TRUST • INTUITION • SPIRITUALITY

Despite being easily found, this stone has a long history of being associated with luxury.  In the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, amethyst is encouraged to be placed in the wealth corner, where it is said to amplify the flow of prosperity into the home. Amethyst healing properties are as plentiful as the stone itself. It is thought of mostly as a protective stone. As it is linked to the crown chakra, it is helpful in purifying the mind and clearing it of negative thoughts including stress and anxiety.  Amethyst is especially useful the workplace as it enhances communication, intuition and prosperity.

Amethyst is the birthstone for February, and known as the Zodiac stone for Pisces. It is also linked to the element of Wind. This element is believed to activate the mind, and assist in clairvoyance and intuition. It is the ideal stone for meditation that seeks to discover the reason for certain behaviors or actions, both on the part of oneself, or another. Whether you are looking to meditate for relaxation, abundance, protection or communication, a good mantra is: “I trust myself, I see what I need and it will come to me." 

 A bit more about the February Holidays courtesy of The History Channel.

Candlemas commemorates the ritual purification of Mary, 40 days after the birth of her son Jesus. This day also marks the ritual presentation of the baby Jesus to God in the Temple at Jerusalem. ... The festival is called Candlemas because this was the day that all the Church's candles for the year were blessed.

Chinese New Year: The origin of the Chinese New Year is itself ancient and obscured by the amount of time. It is popularly recognized as the Spring Festival and celebrations last 15 days and often include massive amounts of fireworks!  Preparations include, a huge clean-up (purification) to sweep away any traces of bad luck.  On the eve and day of Chinese New Year there are massive feasts including whole fish to symbolize the abundance of the coming year. Every Chinese New Year there is a new zodiac animal associated with that year.   

Imbolc is based on a Celtic tradition and is meant to mark the halfway point between winter solstice and the spring equinox. Imbolc is just one of several pre-Christian holidays highlighting some aspect of winter and sunlight, and heralding the change of seasons.

Valentine’s Day: Occurs every February 14. Across the United States and in other places around the world, candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. Like many festivals and holidays, this one too has it roots in Paganism. Pope Gelasius declared February 14 St. Valentine’s Day. It was not until much later, however, that the day became definitively associated with love. During the Middle Ages, it was commonly believed in France and England that February 14 was the beginning of birds’ mating season, which added to the idea that the middle of Valentine’s Day should be a day for romance.

Love, Light and Blessings to you all. Rose Healing Center is here to help you manifest what you wish to bring in to your life whether it be peace, health, creativity or something else. We offer a variety of services (either virtually or in person) including energy healing, intuitive guidance, sound healing and body work.

Jan 2022 Blog - Adaptation & Intention

 What are you doing New Year’s Eve? I am happy to mention that I will be one of several excellent presenters at the Let It Shine New Year's Weekend Virtual Retreat that starts 4:44 PM on Friday 12/31/21 via Zoom and continues with inspiring and interactive sessions through January2nd.  Sign up for just $44 and all the links and times will be emailed. Sign up now! https://kaceysplace.com/new-year-weekend-retreat 

If you are looking to release the energy of 2021 and begin 2022 with excitement, inspiration, and positive energy then I can think of no greater group of healers available at such a reasonable price over a 3-day period.

I am honored to be “kicking off” this virtual retreat with my friend and fellow healer Kacey Morabito Grean where will start the weekend with “Raise Your Vibration in 2022 - an introduction to your Light Centers”.

Our Themes for January 2022 are AWARENESS & INTENTION And my quote of the month is so timely for the energy surrounding us as we enter into 2022.   “Life is a process of adaptation…. “ see below

ad·ap·ta·tion  noun

1.      the action or process of adapting or being adapted. Similar:

2.     Biology a change or the process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment.

So how do we adapt to this now multi-year long Pandemic which has had such profound impacts on our daily lives?

Life is largely a process of adaptation to the circumstances in which we exist.
— Thomas Hanna

When the COVID shutdowns started on March 13, 2020 in NY and extended into the phased re-openings in 2020, then to the rollout of vaccines in 2021 to the mask mandates of on again and off again – to the perhaps ill-timed parades and parties celebrating the “end of the pandemic” to now the prolific Omicron variant.  It feels like we take 2 steps forward and three 3 back as we collectively experience what psychologists call the “7 Stages of Grief” which we have been now experiencing for almost 2 full years!

  1. Shock and denial.

  2. Pain and guilt

  3. Anger and bargaining.

  4. Depression.

  5. The upward turn.

  6. Reconstruction and working through.

  7. Acceptance and hope. 

There are days when I still feel I experience all 7 of these stages before lunch. But I am hopeful that we are now in the phases of “reconstruction, working through, and most importantly HOPE”.  I remind myself every day that there is so much to be grateful and happy about. Maybe this is my “working through” phase.  The acceptance phase for me is embracing letting go of the idea of “going back to normal”.  There is really never any “going back” when we think about anything.  In the course of time, we always move forward.  The past created the present and present is creating the future.  The only way through is forward. That leads us perfectly to our 2nd theme word for January.

 in·ten·tion noun 

1.  a thing intended; an aim or plan.  2. In Medicine: the healing process of a wound.  Similar: HOPE

How interesting that there are 2 main definitions for intention and one of them is the healing process for a wound.  The other is the aim or plan.  Both are perfect as we close the books on 2021 and welcome in 2022.  We are certainly in the healing process of a wound (2020/2021) and a thing intended (2022).  Notice that the “similar” word to Intention is HOPE!

There are many opportunities to set intention all year long but it is by far most popular at the New Year. Our first task when setting an intention is to have a better idea of what we want the outcome to be. We’ll see what happens” is not an answer to “What do you want?” What do you desire? How do you want things to change?  Desire forms our sense of direction and moves us forward.  

“We cannot change what we refuse to see”  Oprah Winfrey

In addition to perhaps to the usual lose weight, eat better (always on the top of my list), invite yourself to dig deeper. Reflect on the principles you might want to embrace as you embark on in 2022. Maybe this year, be a little kinder, a little gentler.  Utilize what I like to call your “direct connection” to Spirit and allow some thoughts to come up around what you believe your guiding principles are.  Then ask yourself what is it you truly desire in 2022? 

For me I will be reminding myself of all I am grateful for not the least of which is all of you my clients and friends at Rose Healing Center.  Whenever you feel yourself slipping into deep fear, this is a great exercise. Ask yourself – what am I grateful for?

Love, Light and Blessings to everyone.  Best wishes for a healthy, peaceful and Happy 2022.    

Dec 2021 Blog "The Light and 12/21/21"

Metaphysically December is a good time to look within, to find the courage to release and let go, to meditate and honor our individual traditions as we prepare for the New Year ahead.  

The ancient Romans observed the month of December as a time to celebrate the goddess and/or god inside of us all. To hold as sacred our spirit and the gift of life.    We open December with the celebration of Hanukkah which runs through 12/6/21.  The festival of light.

 We also have a New Moon and Solar Eclipse at 2:42 AM on 12/4/21.   This will be the final eclipse of the Sagittarius-Gemini series that started back on June 5, 2020. Eclipses stir up the energy. Oh goodie!  This ground-shifting moment on 12/4 is yet another invitation to be honest, open, and ready for curveballs. Because we have not had not experienced enough curve balls over the past 2 years, right?  I know. This eclipse the intensity of the moment is amplified, underlining your motivation to recognize your truest emotions, stand in your sense of self, and take the initiative to move boldly down a whole new path. 

It is another call for us to connect with our soul and ask why are we here in this very unique time on our planet?  Maybe we are here at this moment to help each other navigate this experience. To uplift others, we must remain uplifted. Resonating in the higher frequencies, connected deeply to our soul through our practices of meditation, body movement, prayer or whatever your individual process or practice is.   Each day we are being given a choice to – do we choose to live in the Light or the Dark?  It is a choice, every single day. Are you adding to pain or bringing in joy? Are you projecting love or fear? Are you connecting deeply with your soul? Are you acting with self-respect and being a support to yourself and others? We are not alone. There is divine support all around us.

I follow several amazing astrologists, many of whom are speaking about this time between the Old Earth and the New Earth.   For decades now, I have read many great metaphysical teachers including Eckhart Tolle who titled his book all the way back in 2005 “A New Earth”.  It would seem it is arriving now or specifically in the time through 12/21/21 and early 2022.  The key to any time of change is to remind ourselves to open our heart and remain connected to our soul.   It is a time of metamorphic. Whatever we have been before is no more.  I am reminding myself that I need to embrace the new and cannot move into the new (including 2022) while clinging to the old.  This is such an incredible time of transition from 2021 to 2022.  December arrives with this energy already flowing.

We move from the eclipse into the winter solstice on 12/21/21.  Many of you may remember the 12/21/12 spiritual portal discussions. Well here we are 9 years later entering another new portal. This winter eclipse is especially potent from a sacred numerology perspective.  Take some time to go within and set intentions around this date.  You are the light. The light is within.  Think about how you want to use that light.  

The Winter Solstice celebrates the presence of Spirit and the power of faith and hope that our visions of the future will come into manifestation. In the middle of winter, we pray and hope that the light will return. Winter Solstice is not about having the light. It is about carrying hope and moving toward a vision that we will work to make a reality. It is a time of patience, like that of an expectant mother who can sense the spirit of the child within but must wait until the actual quickening that physical life is truly within her. We must wait in the darkness of Midwinter, and this is not easy for most of us who are not comfortable with the dark, silence, resting and dreaming. In the darkest part of the year when the days are shortest, Nature asks us to slow down, to be with loved ones, to listen rather than to speak. Under the ground the earth silently sleeps. Seeds rest in suspended animation, and the animals hibernate. In contrast, we humans rush frantically to shop, decorate and “celebrate”, stressing ourselves with activity when we really need to rest, dream and gather strength in our bodies for the coming season of renewal. Nature teaches us that resting, drawing inward for a time, is present in all living things. Rest is necessary for growth that comes later in the season. The Sun will return.” ~from Ruth Barret

We then move swiftly into Christmas and the New Year.

Sound Healing with the Crystal Harp - In Person at Rose Healing Center.

Group Sound Healings with the Crystal Harp are back! Maximum 5 participants. Our next one is Saturday 12/11 at 11:00 AM.  12/11/21 is a powerful day to do sound healing. You can reserve you spot by clicking below:

I have found these past almost 2 years to be a giant invitation to find joy in the smaller moments of life. To see the big in the small and the small in the big.  Deeply embracing the moment whatever that might be.   December and the joy of the Holiday season has always been the time of year for this. But perhaps now I understand it even more.

Consider ending 2021 by acknowledging just how much you have learned about love, freedom, problem-solving, and responsibility. Feel the love that surrounds you and let those who matter to you know how much you appreciate them. Love them for who they are instead of wishing they were somehow different. Allow December to be a very special time for home, family, romance, harmony, and beauty. The thing I find most helpful during this time is the knowledge that the light will return and to find ways where I can incorporate grounding and centering through my healers and being in nature.  If I can help you ground and center, I am happy to do so.  Please contact me for a session either virtual or in person.

Holiday Message:  As I prepare to celebrate Christmas (which is my tradition) I am thoughtful about the year that was and the year that will be. 2021 was our 8th year of offering vibrational energy medicine both in person and virtually.   I would like to thank each of you for your kind patronage and support. Like many small businesses the last two years have been very difficult.  Without all of you and your support, Rose Healing would not exist. I so appreciate all of you.   Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Yule, Kwanzaa or whatever you celebrate. 

Thank you for reading this.   Happy Holidays! 

Nov. 2021 Blog "Gratitude" with spotlight on Danburite

“Sound is the link between science and spirituality. No amount of medicine or talking can reach the deepest, darkest places of the human soul. Sound takes you in those places.” Jeralyn Glass 

The theme for November is Gratitude & Appreciation. During this past 19 months we can forget that there is so much to be grateful for.  I am appreciative for so many things but most especially all of you - my clients, friends and followers.

I am so excited to be offering in person Sound Healing Meditations again on select Saturdays at Rose Healing Center.   A few upcoming dates are 11/13 & 12/4 and 12/18.  This sound healing meditation will be with the Quartzophone – the Pure Crystal Harp.  This is a deeply transformative experience that I hope you can find the time to join us for. Maximum 5 Participants per event. Advance sign up required. Past participants report feeling residual tension and stress melting away from their body, mind and spirit as the soothing tones & vibrations gently penetrate their field. 

The month opens with “All Saints Day/All Souls Day” (in many Christian traditions) and the “Day of the Dead” (Mexico).  Coming fresh off of Halloween (10/31) and in the ancient Celtic tradition of Samhain where the division of the year into the lighter half (summer) and the darker half (winter) means that the division between this world and the other world are at its thinnest, allowing spirits to connect to us.   

Then of course we have 11/2 is Election Day.  As I think we have all figured out in the past few years - politics is not a spectator sport. PLEASE Vote. Our ancestors fought hard for the right to vote. Use your voice.

The day will come when man will recognize woman as his peer, not only at the fireside, but in councils of the nation. Then, and not until then, will there be the perfect comradeship, the ideal union between the sexes that shall result in the highest development of the race.
— Susan B. Anthony

November is always a month to embrace gratitude with the arrival of Veterans Day and Thanksgiving.   Several of my friends and family have served in the military and each year on 11/11 we honor the veterans of America and their service to this country. Veterans Day, formerly known as Armistice Day, was originally set as a U.S. legal holiday to honor the end of World War I, which officially took place on November 11, 1918. In numerology 11:11 is a powerful number.

Each year at this time I choose to deeply honor this season. Sensing the “turning of the wheel” and appreciate each moment a little bit more deeply.  This week as I went for walks along the Hudson River, I was able to appreciate the beauty a bit more with the realization that soon enough this will all be covered with snow and ice. So in these final weeks of fall, I am breathing in deeper and appreciating the sun and wind on my face, listening to the river and really allowing myself to be immersed in the natural world around me. This is what it means to experience the ‘present moment’.   

Thanksgiving Message: As I think about the many things I am grateful for this Thanksgiving season, near the top of the list is the incredible opportunity I have been given to share my healing gifts with all of you through Rose Healing Center. As we enter our 9th year in business, I am deeply appreciative of you - my clients, students, and followers.  I wish you and your families and a season of abundance, gratitude and love.

Blessings to you and your families.


Crystal Healing:  Danburite

One of the highest vibration minerals currently found, Danburite “connects the heart of the mind with the mind of the heart".  Highly spiritual and sought after for its metaphysical properties, Danburite is a powerful Heart Chakra stone, relieving emotional pain and increasing acceptance of one’s self and of others.  The pure love energy of Danburite brings serenity and peace. Gentle yet powerful, Danburite also works with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.  Danburite stimulates the Higher Crown Chakras, connecting the Heart to these Higher Chakras, and aids in communication with Angels and Guides.   Danburite is a good stone to have around during times of extreme change, and eases the transition of those leaving the physical human form. 

A piece of Danburite in your pocket can ease stress and bring calm in difficult situations.  It is a good choice for anyone who is highly focused in the mental body (like academics and engineers), opening the heart and easing re-connection and balance with the emotional body. On an emotional level – it is comforting, love, patience, peace, stress reducing.

Rose Healing Center is here to help you manifest what you wish to bring in to your life whether it be peace, health, creativity or something else. We offer a variety of services (either virtually or in person) including intuitive guidance, sound healing and body work.

October 2021 Blog - "Letting Go" & Crystal is Aquamarine

Respect for the rights of others is peace”. ~Benito Juarez

October gets its name from “Octo” meaning 8. In the old calendar, October was the 8th month.  At this time of year harvest festivals continue including my favorite Holiday – Halloween.  Halloween in the old tradition was called Samhain (pronounced saah-ween) – it is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter. All around us now nature shows us the cycle of death and rebirth.  It is a time of great transition where the light wanes and the temperatures drop.   October is a time for clearing away the old unnecessary things or habits that no longer serve us.  We are invited to notice the trees effortlessly letting go of their leaves.  It is a message for us to also let go of that which no longer serves us.


In the old traditions, it was a time celebrate ancestors and those who have passed from this lifetime.  We are invited to acknowledge the gifts those who have passed brought us when they were here on earth.   I perform a personal ritual at this time of year honoring all those who are no longer with me on this planet and expressing gratitude for what they gave me when they were here.



I am excited to announce the return of in person Group Sound Healings with the Crystal Harp.  First one will be 10/16 and they will continue on select Saturday’s at 11:00 AM throughout the Fall/Winter. Maximum 4 participants – first come first serve.  Advance sign up on line.  Looking forward to seeing you again for sound healing.   


Halloween like many holidays marks the passage of time. We may notice that vegetation dies back with the arrival of killing frosts. This maybe where the ancient notion that the veil between the worlds is thin around this time.  In other words, some believe this time of year is when it is easiest to communicate with those who have died.


In more current times Halloween is the holiday where children (and others) don masks and costumes and go trick or treating.   I have tried to figure out over the years why I love Halloween so much. I think because even as a child, I knew this holiday speaks to a sense of fantasy, community and generosity.  On what other holiday do we seem to trust our neighbors so deeply – knock on doors, are greeted with a smile and a treat?  On what other day of the year are we encouraged to pretend to be someone else even and engage our imagination for just a few hours?    From memories of the early days of my childhood in the 1960 and 70’s going door to door with my father and sister to trick or treat, to later going with gangs of friends, or college parties filled with crazy costumes, to adulthood when my husband and I became the ones answering the door and giving out the treats, Halloween has always made me happy. 

October invites us to experience the often difficult process of letting go of old beliefs, wounds, possessions, llusions, identities, dreams and attachments. We are releasing on a deep level . This is the month where the new story begins to form in our consciousness and we begin to really understand what it will take to manifest.

Explore how nature shows to us the experience the cycle of death and rebirth .   Visit a cemetery where some of your ancestors lie in their final resting place.    Since it is also a time of letting go, consider going through your closets and giving away that which you no longer need or use.  This exercise of clearing away things from our household also encourages a “clearing away” on other levels.

This is a time of year is for contemplation and rest.  A time to re-calibrate. Think about what works, what doesn’t.   That could be re-organizing your home or your life. Be gentle with yourself during this time of the return of the dark.

Our crystal of the month is AQUAMARINE

Color Blue Chakra: Throat


One of the best stones to encourage letting go. Aquamarine with its exquisite blue color, is believed to be a soothing stone that can support you to let go and move past difficult emotions and find detachment from loss.

Rose Healing Center is here to help you manifest what you wish to bring in to your life whether it be peace, health, creativity or something else. We offer a variety of services (either virtually or in person) including intuitive guidance, sound healing and body work.

September 2021 Blog Theme is Remembrance and Crystal is Prasiolite


As we give up the last energy of summer and move towards the return the school, harvest celebrations and the fall equinox, take time to check in on where you are at.  What were the gifts of summer this year? What did you wish you had done?  Or what do you wish you had done more of?  Now is the time to write in your calendar for next May or June some reminders about this.   Summer goes by so very swiftly. It makes me think of the quote from the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day off:

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
— Ferris Bueller

September is the time of learning. It is in our DNA to have that return to school feeling even if we are adults.  All around us nature is changing with the seasons, as we exchange lawn mowers for rakes, bring in the final part of the harvest and thank Mother Earth for all her gifts.  We are reminded that September is a wonderful time to reap what we sow.  What were the seeds you planted in spring in your spiritual life and have they come to fruition?  

This is also a month during which the outward-directed energy of summer begins to shift inward in preparation for the 6 months to be spent in the darkness of Mother Earth’s womb.  We become more aware that the light is shifting and it is getting darker earlier.  It is a time for listening for our inner spiritual guidance.  It is a month filled with possibility for that which we want to manifest in our lives. It is a highly creative time for new ideas.  


September bring many dates of note including two major Jewish holidays Rosh Hashanah 9/6-9/8 and Yom Kippur 9/15-9/16.  In the Jewish tradition Rosh Hashanah welcomes the new year with celebration.  Yom Kippur is the holiest of days and is a time for fasting, reflection and atonement.   

This year is the 20th anniversary of 9/11.  On this solemn anniversary we remember those who we lost on that tragic day.  September is the month we honor those who lost their lives on 9/11/01.  If you are not familiar with the amazing charity known as the Tunnel to Towers Foundation.  I encourage you to learn more by visiting their website: https://tunnel2towers.org/ 

This is also the month of the Autumn Equinox – 9/22.


The word “equinox” comes from Latin meaning “equal night.” On the equinox, day and night are roughly equal in terms of length. During the equinox, the Sun crosses what we call the “celestial equator”—an imaginary extension into space of Earth’s equator line. The equinox occurs precisely when the Sun’s center passes through this line. When the Sun crosses the equator from north to south, this marks the autumnal equinox; when it crosses from south to north, this marks the vernal equinox.  Source: Farmer’s Almanac 


Craniosacral Therapy

One of the foundational principles of craniosacral therapy is to work with the body’s ability to heal itself.  Rather than fixing the client’s issues, my intention as craniosacral therapist is to amplify the client’s health so that their nervous system is deeply relaxed enough to address issues on its own.    I love this particular passage from Dr. Michael Kern’s book, “Wisdom in the Body: A Craniosacral Approach to Essential Health.”

 “Whatever therapeutic approaches we use, health cannot be imposed from the outside. Ultimately, there is no wonder drug or wonder cure other than the intrinsic forces of nature. Healing is thus the prerogative of each individual. Therapies themselves cannot cure, but they can trigger and support a process of inner change. My work as a therapist is simply to create the conditions for the inherent potency of the patient to get to work; the rest is up to nature.  

Each of us should feel encouraged to take responsibility for our own health.

However, from an early each we are taught that our bodies are like specialized pieces of machinery that we are not qualified to deal with. In many ways, we have become dis-empowered, giving all our responsibilities to the doctor or other medical professional to make us better.  Consequently, we may have forgotten how to listen to our bodies and follow its intrinsic wisdom. The process of taking responsibility may involve some re-education, in its literal sense, for both patients and practitioners” 

This passage underscores the principle that the body’s “intrinsic wisdom” is what does the healing, rather than outside forces. The role of the craniosacral practitioner isn’t to heal the client but rather is to help create the conditions for the client’s inner healing to unfold. If you would like to learn more please visit my page: https://rosehealingcenter.com/craniosacral-therapy/

Crystal of the Month is Prasiolite or Green Amethyst.


Prasiolite is a heat-treated form of amethyst and is closely related to citrine. It acts as a bridge between the solar plexus chakra the heart chakra, and the third eye and crown chakras. This makes it ideal for aligning the body, mind, and spirit into an integrated whole. Prasiolite can help translate your spiritual growth into real life peace & connection by activating the heart as the leader of both your thoughts and actions.

Ultimately Prasiolite (green amethyst) helps to awaken the heart to its rightful place as the center of your human experience and enables your “heart vision”: being able to see through human flaws and failings to the perfection of the Spirit within each person. This is the deep compassion of healers. I was fortunate to be gifted a piece of jewelry by a dear friend of mine with this amazing stone just recently and have really enjoyed exploring its benefits.

Rose Healing Center is here to help you manifest what you wish to bring in to your life now whether it be peace, health, creativity or something else.  We offer a variety of services (either virtually or in person) including intuitive guidance, sound healing and body work.