June 2018 Blog with Spotlight on Sound Healing with Crystal Pyramid
/Our theme for June is “Courage & Change” and our Spotlight is on “Sound Healing with the Crystal Pyramid”.
Photo courtesy of Melina Cronin - Hudson valley in pictures
The theme for June is courage and change. How do you take yourself out of your comfort zone? It is so critical to continue to learn something new, do something different, even if that just means driving a different way to work in the morning. I need to be reminded of this as well as I can often get stuck in routine.
“Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow”. ~Mary Anne Radmacher”
This is how I felt, not how I looked :-)
The quote of this month is really powerful for me. I have been pushing through my fears and doing new things that help me move my body. I hate the word exercise so I am not using it in that sentence. In March, I began attending Kundalini Yoga classes at Devotion Yoga in Montrose (near the Cortlandt Train Station). The owner Barbara Burns (aka Pritam Bani Kaur) has been such an incredible teacher for me.
This past month she invited her friend, and fellow Kundalini teacher Reyna to come and teach a belly dancing class. Well I can tell you it was an incredible experience to attend this class. For those of you that know me you know I am a large curvy woman so going to “belly dancing” was no small achievement! I had to really to push past my fears. I was happy I went. It was so healing to move my hips (I have a double hip replacement) in such a way that made me feel present in my body. I highly recommend you check out Devotion Yoga The next Belly Dancing class is June 9th from Noon to 2 PM. I hope to see you there.
This month I am co-teaching with my friend and Master Crystal Healer – Betty Sue Hanson a special event called “Crystal Healing Intensive” on Saturday 6/16/18 at 1 PM at Devotion Yoga. This is a very unique opportunity and at a very affordable $75. More information and sign up here.
Sound Healing with the Crystal Singing Pyramid
Many of you who visited Rose Healing know that I include sound healing in my individual sessions and events. It is always customized to the individual and the energy of the day. It can be drums, crystal bowls, rattles or bells. One of the most powerful tools I have been trained in has been the “Crystal Singing Pyramid”. This is played over the body during an individual healing session. The following is from my instructors at Sage Academy of Sound
"The pyramid form is a statement of perfection and balance. It is one of the highest geometrical shapes found on the physical plane. It represents conscious connection with the infinite source, and and physical stability at the base. They are symbolic of the ultimate balance that each soul must achieve to complete its evolutionary process." I utilize this energy in sessions by reminding clients that we have to remember to be connected and grounded to the earth and open to the heavens. "As above, so below".
The sound of a crystal singing pyramid being played over the body induces deep cellular healing within the meditation state. Crystal vibrations reduce stress, reconnects us to our higher spirit, massages the body, and also helps to restore balance, and align our mind-heart-cosmic connection. If you would like to experience the crystal singing pyramid, please contact me.
The Oil of the Month is VALOR
Valor Essential Oil balances the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional energies of the body when applied to shoulders and/and feet; When we have more courage to take on new things and/or change, we are better able to release old patterns that are not working for us.
Valor's smell is very soothing and calming and is great inhaled after a long stressful day. When the body, mind and spirit are aligned, we are able to open and release emotional barriers that are keeping us stuck. This oil allows us to have the courage and self-esteem to overcome those things that are holding us back. Remember, when we are stressed or worried we are creating imbalance in our bodies on all levels.
How do I Use Valor Oil?
Use NEAT (undiluted) then, Apply several drops (2-4) to wrists, chest, base of neck, bottom of feet or add several drops (2-4) to bath water or Directly inhale, diffuse.
May/June Events upcoming at RHC
Special Event: June 16th, 2018 at Devotion Yoga. Healing with Crystals and Sound.
Sunday June 10, 2018 Sound Healing & Meditation with the Crystal Bowls
We here at Rose Healing Center stand ready to help you become more centered, grounded, peaceful and healthy. Our practitioners, Dr. Pam Charles, Betty Sue Hanson, Rocio LaRosa, Mary Ellen O’Brien, and myself are ready to help.
Wishing all of the incredible men who read this a very Happy Father's day.