July 2020 Blog - Theme "Persistence"


Years ago when I first started training in Craniosacral Therapy one of my instructors gave a powerful piece of advice.  She said, “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable”.  It was a message that struck me deeply and one that I continue to live by and one that I regularly share with my clients. 


Being comfortable with being uncomfortable certainly seems to resonate in 2020.  We have just passed the ½ way point in the year and to-date we have been given many challenges, a global pandemic, the continued fight against racism and the right for equal rights for our LGBTQ community to name just a few.  In addition there are murder hornets, Saharan dust storms and a year filled with 6 lunar and solar eclipses.   One can only wonder what the 2nd half of 2020 has in store for us!  


But often just at moment you think you cannot take anything more, you get a message of hope.  For me (amusing as it this may sound) is the message to just keep swimming (or moving forward). The “just keep swimming” thing is a reference to a Disney movie called “Finding Nemo” for those of you who may not know.

I love Ellen DeGeneres playing Dory and singing that song.  It truly is about persistence so the message I have for you dear friends, is how can continue to persist, together. Even through the incredible hard stuff that comes with changing the world.   How can we help each other get through this historic year of change and turbulence?   There is always one small action you can take to move ahead or help another person. And you are always guided and supported by the greatest resource you could ever need, your Soul to help you figure it out.


July is also the month that we celebrate our Independence Day in the USA.  I cannot help but think about the time of our country’s founding and all that revolution brought to us. This quote from John Adams seems appropriate for this year.

The reality is that change is uncomfortable. So rather than fighting it, learning to embrace it, going with the flow, and surrendering to the journey of your life will make things a little less stressful.  Rose Healing Center is here to help. All of our offerings are virtual. See our COVID19 update page for more information. To schedule a virtual session.


For those who might want to see the upcoming Lunar Eclipse. The eclipse will start Saturday, July 4 at 11:07 P.M. EDT and continue until Sunday, July 5 at 1:52 A.M. EDT. The best time to view the event here in the northeast will be around 12:30 A.M.

Please know I am sending you all energy of health and abundance. Stay Safe. Stay Well. Make Good Choices. Rosemary