August 2022 - Authentic Success
/Free Upcoming Event - Sunday August 7th at 11:00 AM at the Market on the River Under the Big Tree
Join me Sunday 8/7 at 11:11 AM for a Free Event where we will learn about our Light Centers in Meditation and I will be playing the Koshi Chimes at the Let It Shine, Inc. Market on the River @ Cortlandt Riverfront Park 45 Rivervew Avenue in Verplanck, NY.
What does success mean to you?
Authentic success is accepting your limitations while making peace with your past and identifying or enhancing your passion. This allows your future to unfold according to a divine plan. If you have no idea what your passion is start by getting quiet, going within and really being honest with yourself about what excites your spirit. This is an opportunity to discover and call forth your gifts. Remember the Divine is your co-creator – ask for help. Quiet your mind and LISTEN for the answers. Start writing down ideas. It can be grand or it can be very small. Offering your gifts to the world can be a belief that just for today you will make a difference in one other person’s life. If you can do that for just one person each day through a smile, a kind word, a shared laugh or a helping hand. Each day do another thing. Maybe you make a difference in two persons lives tomorrow!
Authentic success is feeling good about who you are; appreciating where you've been; celebrating your achievements and honoring the distance you've already come. Authentic success is reaching a point where being is as just as important as doing. It is the steady pursuit of a dream and realizing that no matter how much time it takes for that dream to come true in the physical world, no day is ever wasted. Each day you can take one small step towards that dream.
Ultimately authentic success is not about accumulating but letting go. This one was a hard one for me when I was younger. I was not believing that there is always enough. Realistically all you have is all you ever truly need. Authentic success is knowing how simply abundant your life is exactly as it is today. It is a deep invitation to be so grateful for the many blessings bestowed upon you and yours.
We can all go down the path of lack, of fear, of scarcity. With the daily onslaught of either the news of the price increases or the actual experience of putting food on the table, gas in your car, and having a roof over your head. When I go into those modes I like to constantly remind myself of how very fortunate I am. Being in gratitude can help you shift every day. Whenever you feel lack or scarcity begin a list of all the things you are grateful for. This is a powerful energy shifter.
I am very excited to be a Workshop Leader in an virtual intensive 4 day “Living in the Light” program led by Cheryl Banfield of Love Light Illuminations Center. Living In The Light is a vibrational training for all aspects of your being: Mind, Body, Spirit, Soul, Oneness. It is more unlearning than learning: It is for expanding self and universal awareness.
The morning sessions will consist of guided multidimensional sensory meditation. You will receive: transmissions of light, light code activations, and high resonant downloads with crystalline light frequencies.
The afternoon sessions will continue your transformational shifting through powerful workshops held by 4 light facilitators, all trained LoveLight Practitioners: Catherine Anesi, Rosemary Boyle Lasher, Mandy Mathiesen and Emily Medri. The workshops will provide interactive experiences and learning self-healing techniques for full integration of all 5 aspects of self: mind, body, spirit, soul and oneness. Living In The Light will bring you into energetic alignment by shifting your frequency. This allows the opportunity to reach newer understanding, access divine consciousness, step into cosmic flow and receive divine light, which you will then transmit out into the world.
More information is available. Learn more
“Life is largely a process of adaptation to the circumstances in which we exist”
August brings us the number 8 in Numerology
8 is the number of powers, material and financial gain, achievement, reward, status, and satisfaction. The 8 Year vibration will provide the means – the personal power – with which to change the status quo and accomplish a significant goal that will alter the direction and quality of your journey. I closely follow Christine Delorey and love her work around numerology. Check her out at
THE MOON is full on August 11th – this month it is known as the Sturgeon Full Moon. It is also the final super moon of 2022. August’s full Moon will appear on the night of Thursday, August 11, reaching peak illumination at 9:36 P.M. Eastern Time. On either of these nights, look toward the southeast after sunset to catch a glimpse of the Sturgeon Moon. .
The Crystal for August is Lapis Lazuli
The name Lapis Lazuli means ‘blue stone,’ and it is sometimes referred to simply as Lapis.
The name comes from the Latin word ‘lapis’ meaning ‘stone’ and the Persian meaning ‘blue.’ The rich blue color of lapis lazuli brings to mind a heavenly sky, deep and expansive with flecks of gold that mimic shooting stars. The combination of gold and intense blue makes this gemstone a rare and exciting crystal specimen, to this day a favorite of many crystal collectors around the world.
In Ancient Egypt, it was used in cosmetics for thousands of years. It was even said that Michelangelo used lapis lazuli in powder form for blue pigments to color the frescoes in his Sistine Chapel. Lapis lazuli is considered one of the most precious and sought-after gems in history. The deep, royal ultramarine blue of this particular gemstone has entranced the human eye for thousands of years. To many cultures, it represents power, abundance, mystical wisdom, and the afterlife and has a magical, mysterious charm. It has been around for centuries, and its popularity still has not diminished. Today it is mined in the USA, Chile, Italy, and Afghanistan.
Love, Light and Blessings to you all. Rose Healing Center is here to help you manifest what you wish to bring in to your life whether it be peace, health, creativity or something else. We offer a variety of services (either virtually or in person) including energy healing, intuitive guidance, sound healing and body work.