Dec 2023 🕊️ Celebration 🕊️ Turquoise
/30 Rock NYC circa 2011
Spotlight on - Winter Solstice
Crystal is Turquoise
Full Moon: December 26th “Cold Moon”
Book for Dec: “Angel Prayers: Harnessing the Help of Heaven to Create Miracles” Kyle Grey
Quote for December: “Winter is not a season, it's a celebration." — Anamika Mishra
Holiday Message: As I prepare to celebrate Christmas (which is my tradition) I cannot help but be reminded of the gifts of this past year, including being fortunate enough to have expanded my practice and my knowledge base via study with some wonderful teachers and sharing that knowledge with all of you - clients, fans and friends. As Rose Healing Center transitions to our 11th year of offering trauma informed energy medicine and spiritual care, we would like to thank each of you for your kind patronage and support. Being able to share healing energy with all of you, is truly one of my most treasured gifts in life. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Yule, Kwanzaa or whatever you celebrate.
Welcome December. This month marks 7 years since I have been writing this monthly blog. The very first one I ever released on my site was December of 2016. I cannot even believe that it has been this long. I thank all of you for regularly taking a moment out of your day to read my words. It is much appreciated.
Our Theme for December - Celebration
December can be a paradox. We are often so busy preparing, shopping, wrapping, cooking or actually celebrating that we can miss that the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer. As the days shorten and darkness continues to increase many of us can often face challenges with sadness and depression. However, we are also reminded that December is a month of celebrations that include 12/7 to 12/15 Hanukkah,12/21 Winter Solstice, 12/25 Christmas and 12/31 New Year’s to name just a few celebrations.
Over the years, I have learned to embrace the energy of the dark which is invites us to dream, to lay down burdens, and to be aware of what is all around us and within us. This time of year offers an opportunity for introspection, solitude and solace for some and for others it can be a whirlwind of parties and obligations.
Metaphysically December is a a perfect time to embrace both the celebratory and the sacred. It is the perfect time to meditate and honor our individual traditions as we prepare for the New Year ahead. The thing I find most helpful during the slower winter months is the knowledge that the light will return. For me grounding and centering occurs through body work and energetic support. Rose Healing is here to help you ground and center through what for many can be a stressful time. Know that you are never alone. There is divine support all around us. We just need to connect with it.
The Winter Solstice 12/21/23
On 12/21 you are invited to take some time to go within and set intentions around this date. You are the light. The light is within. Think about how you want to use that light.
The Winter Solstice celebrates the presence of Spirit and the power of faith and hope that our visions of the future will come into manifestation. In the middle of winter, we pray and hope that the light will return. Winter Solstice is not about having the light. It is about carrying hope and moving toward a vision that we will work to make a reality. It is a time of patience, like that of an expectant mother who can sense the spirit of the child within but must wait until the actual quickening that physical life is truly within her. We must wait in the darkness of Midwinter, and this is not easy for most of us who are not comfortable with the dark, silence, resting and dreaming. In the darkest part of the year when the days are shortest, Nature asks us to slow down, to be with loved ones, to listen rather than to speak. Under the ground the earth silently sleeps. Seeds rest in suspended animation, and the animals hibernate. In contrast, we humans rush frantically to shop, decorate and “celebrate”, stressing ourselves with activity when we really need to rest, dream and gather strength in our bodies for the coming season of renewal. Nature teaches us that resting, drawing inward for a time, is present in all living things. Rest is necessary for growth that comes later in the season. The Sun will return.” ~from Ruth Barret
Full Moon is December 26th
December’s full Cold Moon rises on Tuesday, December 26, 2023. This means that it will appear high and full on Christmas Day! How beautiful! December’s full Moon has a high trajectory in the sky, meaning it will be above the horizon for longer than most full Moons. To find the exact time it will appear in your area, consult the Farmer’s Almanac’s Moonrise Calculator. The moon names we use in The Old Farmer’s Almanac come from Native Americans, Colonial Americans, or other traditional sources passed down through generations. Different Native American peoples traditionally used the monthly Moons and nature’s corresponding signs as a calendar to track the seasons.
Today, December’s full Moon is most commonly known as the Cold Moon—a Mohawk name that conveys the frigid conditions of this time of year, when cold weather truly begins to grip us. Source: Farmer’s Alamanc
Crystal for December - Turquoise
Turquoise, a beautiful sea-green stone invites wisdom, protection, good fortune, tranquility, and hope. Ancient people believed in its intense power to protect, its peaceful energy and connection with enduring love. It is extensively used in jewelry especially but Native Americans. According to Maxine McBrinn, Curator of Archaeology at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture. Turquoise represents water and for sky, for bountiful harvests, health and protection,” Blue-green symbolizes creation and the hope for security and beauty.