February 2018 Blog & Oil of the Month

Full Cold Moon-M.jpg

Ever since I was a child I have been enthralled by the night sky and the moon.  I love to gaze up and dream.   I find it incredibly powerful.  That is how I view February – incredibly powerful.  On January 31st we will experience a very unique Full Moon whose energy will carry over into February.


January 31st's Full Moon is a triple event. It is a Super Moon, a Blue Moon and an Eclipse! The Moon won't look blue, however. Researchers are predicting a bright orange eclipse--a forecast based on studies of recent volcanic activity.  This is referred to as a "Blood Moon".  A Blue Moon is when there are 2 full moons in a single month.  A supermoon is what happens when the moon is closest to Earth’s orbit and appears larger in the sky.  

From an energetic perspective, there is perhaps never a better time to focus on change than now, at least astrologically speaking.   Eclipses open portals of intensity and support for change.  Choices and decisions made during this time will carry a lot of weight into the future and any work you do in changing your patterns will be greatly empowered.  We are in a time where the habits that have run our lives are being questioned (or should be) and we are being prompted to look ahead to the kind of life we wish to create. If change is necessary, plant those seeds now with this powerful New Moon.  

This is our 2nd Blue moon already in a single year, a somewhat rare event – it will be another 19 years (or the year 2037) before it happens again.  Awesome!

Quote of the Month: "If you don’t like something, change it.  If you can’t change it, change your attitude."   Maya Angelou

Your Oil of the Month:  Spearmint Essential Oil


Where is the name derived from? The Spearmint plants get their common name from the pointed leaf tips which resemble "spears". The Genus derivative comes from a Latin word "mente" meaning "thought".

Most Interesting Historical Reference?

Did you know that in the Middle Ages Spearmint was scattered on the floor to deter rodents and support wellness?

What are the Spearmint Plant Properties?  Releasing yet uplifting.

What are the Documented Spearmint Uses and Benefits?  Supports healthy digestive function. Supports healthy tummies and soothes discomfort. 

How do I use it?

Use undiluted, then,

  • Dietary Supplement: place several drops in capsule and take internally. If prefer dilution, then 50:50 dilution-one part essential oil: one part vegetable oil.
  • Add a drop or two to water, juice.
  • Aromatic - Diffuse

How can I purchase Spearmint OilPurchase Spearmint Oil 

Your card of the month: "Brigit" from Doreen Virtue Goddess Deck

Don’t back Down – Stand up for what You Believe is right.

This fiery redhead is encouraging you to take charge of your life with laser focus.  Be clear about your intentions.  If you are unclear it will lessen your power and fore. If you are able to stand up for yourself, and speak up about your needs and your deepest truth think of how you will feel.


Know exactly what your goals are and make a plan of action to get there. Don’t back down. This is a card of confidence and decisiveness.   Get out of your own way.  Be receptive to divine guidance. Spend at least a portion – even 3 to 5 minutes – of your day in meditation.

It is so easy to get sidetracked by our day to day lives and forget our goals.  This is a time to ask for help from the divine.  You are not here to please everyone.  You are here to follow your will.  Stand in your power. 

January 2018 Blog & Oil of the Month


Welcome 2018!

January gets its name from the Latin translation of Januarius named after JANUS – the God of beginnings.    Many take the first few moments and days of any New Year to re-evaluate and set intentions or resolutions for the year ahead.  I seem to be constantly refining my intentions. I have come to enjoy different practices including creating intentions monthly at the New Moon which is a lovely way to remember that we are co-creating with the Divine each month.   A daily practice of meditation has also greatly helped me to stay centered in an ever-changing world.

As we say goodbye to the tumultuous 2017, we hold intention for a calmer, more peaceful 2018.  Take some time to really think about what you want to manifest in 2018 and jot down a few themes.  Tuck it away to allow yourself to revisit perhaps mid-year or next December.  It can be powerful to review exactly what we were thinking 6 months or a year ago.

We here at Rose Healing Center stand ready to help.

Upcoming Events

Reiki I -  Sunday, January 7, 2018

Rose Healing is proud to offer Reiki Trainings by Betty Sue Hanson. Reiki is a ancient healing system originating from Japan.   In this introduction to Reiki, you will learn what Reiki is and how Reiki energy works. MORE INFO

Crystal Singing Bowls Sound Healing Meditation:

January 14th (a few spots left) and  February 11th MORE INFO

Journey with the Drum

Save the Date: Sunday February 25th.  MORE INFO


Oil of the Month

Abundance Essential Oil™

Purchase here:  https://www.youngliving.com/en_US/products/abundance-essential-oil

Abundance Essential Oil is a manifesting blend which helps attracts wealth and health in our lives and has a spicy aroma.

What is in Abundance Essential Oil Blend? There are eight different therapeutic grade oils in Abundance Blend.  Each is listed below along with a brief description.

• Myrrh Essential Oil  very powerful antioxidant making it supportive for healthy skin. It opens our mind to receiving gifts.

• Patchouli Essential Oil  has a sweet and rich aroma that is very beneficial for the skin. Use to reduce wrinkled or chapped appearance. It reestablishes mental and emotional equilibrium and energizes the mind.

• Orange Essential Oil  is rich in the powerful antioxidant and aids in maintaining normal cellular regeneration. Also has calming effects and may be used for feelings of peace.

• Clove Essential Oil promotes a healthy immune response, and may support overall wellness*. An important ingredient in Young Living's Thieves blend.

• Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil dates back to the Egyptians!  The essential oil promotes a healthy immune response, and may help maintain a healthy lifestyle regimen. Brings feelings of joy.

• Frankincense Essential Oil   helps to uplift mood and brings feelings of relaxation. It may help smooth the appearance of healthy-looking skin, and is useful in combination with massage after exercise.

• Ginger Essential Oil Supportive of the digestive system, ginger is commonly used to soothe, comfort, and balance digestive discomfort. Emotionally it gives us courage.

• Spruce Essential Oil is physically grounding and relaxing. Has a sweet and earthy scent that is fresh and fruity. It is also said to release blocks to prosperity and wealth.

What are the Documented Uses for Abundance Essential Oil? Abundance, attraction denial,  joy, magnetic energy, positive feelings, purification, and wealth.

What is the Aromatic Effect on the Mind? Its spicy aroma is uplifting and balancing.

What is the Spiritual Influence? This helps us release emotions of we are not enough and worry. It helps us let go of scarcity and poverty consciousness. This is an excellent oil for those who struggle and worry about money and want to move to a wealth consciousness.

What Chakra is Affected? Opens the root and heart chakras.

How do I use it?

Use diluted - 50:50 dilution (one part essential oil: one part of vegetable oil). Then,

·         Apply several drops (2-4) to wrists, over heart, neck and feet;

·         Directly inhale; or

·         Diffuse.

The information above comes from http://www.experience-essential-oils.com/abundance-essential-oil.html

Buy Abundance Oil here.

If you are interested in saving 24% off retail prices for essential oils, please contact me.

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.  I look forward to seeing you either for individual sessions or in one of our Sound Bath experiences soon. 



December 2017 Blog and Oil of the Month

First my apologies for the lateness of this blog piece as I was away for a few days.   This edition marks one year since I started doing the monthly blog piece, interesting that this final one is a few days late. ;-)

December used to be the 10th month which is why it is named December.   There are many holiday traditions celebrated around the world in this month.


Holiday Message:  As I prepare to celebrate Christmas (which is my tradition) I cannot help but be reminded of the gifts of this past year, where I was fortunate enough to have undergone a miraculous healing through a hip replacement and recovery, been awarded the opportunity to study with amazing professionals like Bessel Van del Kolk on Trauma, Sound Healing with Lia and Phillipe Garnier, Craniosacral Therapy with Natalie Kasdan and Anne Samojedny to just name a few.  But perhaps my biggest gift which I experienced in 2017 was being able to share healing energy with all of you my clients, students and friends.  Thank you for allowing me to work with you. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Yule, Kwanzaa or whatever you celebrate. 

As I have shared with you in the past, this time of year when the night is long and the days are short can be difficult for me and for others I know.  Over time, I have learned to embrace the energy of the dark which is inviting me to dream, to put down burdens, and to be aware of what is all around me and within me.   This time of year offers solitude and solace for some and for others it can be an extremely lonely time.   We each are invited to become aware on a deeper level of what the season meaning is to us.  Be aware that there are those who simply need to be seen and acknowledged now. Metaphysically December is a good time to look within, to meditate and honor our individual traditions as we prepare for the New Year ahead.

The frenetic energy of 2017 will certainly continue.  I was briefly away for 5 days – and somewhat removed from news and social media during that time.  During just those 5 days, there was so much major news being released that I had trouble returning to the “reality” of life and catching up.   I doubt this will slow down in 2018.  So let us continue to be reminded to find ways to return to our center and ground.  For me that occurs through body work. If I can help you ground and center, I am happy to do so.  Please contact me for a session.


As for upcoming events at Rose Healing our New Year’s Eve Day Sound Healing event is completely SOLD OUT. However if you wish to be placed on a wait list please contact me.  SAVE the DATE:  Sunday 1/14/18 for our next Sound Bath with Crystal Singing Bowls.  Contact me ASAP if you are interested. Limited to 8 participants and they sell out fast!

Christmas Spirit Essential Oil™

Christmas Spirit Essential Oil is the best oil to use during the holidays! But it can bring comfort, peace and joy all year long!

Buy Christmas Spirit Essential Oil


Diffuse for a spicy holiday aroma, place it on pine cones or put it on the logs and throw them on the fireplace. Any way it is used, everyone will love it; and it will keep you in the spirit all year long!   Christmas Spirit blend relieves that occasional blue feeling and promotes

What is in Christmas Spirit Essential Oil Blend? There are three different oils in Christmas Spirit Blend. They are listed below along with a brief description of each oil.

Orange Oil aids in maintaining normal cellular regeneration*. Also has calming effects and may be used for feelings of peace.

Cinnamon Bark is immune stimulating making it highly effective to maintain a healthy lifestyle regime*.

Spruce Oil is grounding and releasing. 

What are the Documented Uses for Christmas Spirit Essential Oil? Abuse, anger, occasional blue feeling, emotional trauma, happiness, emotional heart, bring joy to heart, joyous, protection, stress and trauma.

What is the Aromatic Affect on the Mind? Its spicy aroma is peaceful and protective.

What is the Spiritual Influence? Christmas spirit helps us to embrace the spirituality and emotions of the season. It helps us to be grateful for our gifts and freely give to others with an open heart.  It allows us to express joy and feel protected; and release negative emotions of occasional blues, insecurity and low self worth.

What Chakra is affected? Opens the solar plexus and heart chakras.

How do I Use it?  Use diluted - 50:50 dilution (one part essential oil: one part of vegetable oil) or more. Then,

·                Apply several drops (2-4) to wrists, over heart, neck and feet;

·                Wear as a perfume or cologne;

·                Directly inhale; or Diffuse

Can this oil be used for Animals? Yes

What are the Safety Precautions?  Dilute before using on sensitive areas such as the face, neck, genital area, etc. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid using directly on infants and very small children.

The above information is from: http://www.experience-essential-oils.com

Note if you want to save 24% off Retail please contact me to get a Distributor Discount.

Thank you for reading this.   Happy Holidays!



November 2017 Blog & Oil/Card of the Month

November is taken from the Latin “Noven” meaning 9.  In earlier calendars November was the 9th month, not the 11th.  November brings with it Thanksgiving in the U.S. and in many parts of the world there are festivals of gratitude for earth’s bounty as well as commemorative rights for the dead and rituals that protect individuals or whole communities from evil influences.

Thanksgiving Message: As I think about the many things I am grateful for this Thanksgiving season, certainly near the top of my list will be the incredible opportunity I have been given to share my healing gifts with all of you through Rose Healing Center. Thank you to my clients, students, and participants.  I wish you and your families an season of abundance, gratitude and love.


This is the time of year for grieving, forgiveness, gratitude and completion.  One of the most important ways we come to completion is through grieving those who have died and celebrating the things we shared together. In your meditation and prayer practice in the month ahead consider including forgiveness to the self and others. Forgiveness helps to set us free, claim our wisdom and move on.

November for me personally, is one of the more difficult months as the days grow shorter and the temperatures colder, my body and mind argue for more self care.  Over the years, I have learned to listen (particularly in November) so that the winter ahead will be smooth.

I share that with all of you, my dear readers, so YOU too can be reminded that in all the rush to prepare for the “holidaze” ahead you remember to put yourself on the list and allow yourself some restorative time as well.

The card of the Month is from Archangel Raphael Deck*  Note: *November is a month sacred to Archangel Raphael


Your body is speaking and wants to be heard. You drew this card as a reminder to ask the body part in question, “What do you want me to know?” After asking this question, listen to the intuitive thoughts, feelings and visions that occur.  If you listen and follow its guidance, health will be restored.  But if you disregard the body’s message, it will speak increasingly louder in the form of pain  or other dis-ease (similar to a child having a tantrum to get attention).

 Possible Specific Meanings: Say “I love you!” to your body daily • Talk honestly with your body about your fears, desires, and feelings • Honor your body by treating and feeding it with reverence  Speak about your body in positive, optimistic terms

Prayer: Please help me hear your messages.  Archangel Raphael, please guide me in honoring and respecting my body’s needs.

Oil of the Month: Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia)



Buy Tea Tree or Melaleuca Alternifolia Essential Oil Here!  Note if you want to save 24% off Retail please contact me.

What are the Plant Properties? Soothing to skin, cleansing.

What are the Documented Tea Tree Oil Benefits and Uses? Supports healthy immunity and skin.

What is the Aromatic Affect on the Mind? Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil is refreshing and cleansing. It has a strong herbaceous and woody scent.

What is the Spiritual Influence? Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil eases mental stress and purifies the mind and body of emotional wounds. Once old wounds are released, the body can then change the behavioral patterns that led to the wounding to begin with.


How do I use it?

Use diluted - 50:50 dilution (one part essential oil: one part of vegetable oil). Then,

·                       Apply several drops (2-4) on location.

·                       Directly inhale

·                       Diffuse

Buy Tea Tree Oil here.     Note if you want to save 24% off Retail please contact me.

As I think about the many things I am grateful for this Thanksgiving season, certainly near the top of my list will be the incredible opportunity I have been given to share my healing gifts with all of you through Rose Healing Center. Thank you to my clients, students, and participants.  I wish you and your families an season of abundance, gratitude and love.





October 2017 Blog & Oil of the Month

October gets its name from “Octo” meaning 8. In the old calendar, October was the 8th month.  At this time of year festivals continue, we honor the gifts the earth has given us and we celebrate my favorite Holiday – Halloween.  Halloween in the old tradition was called Samhain – a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter.

All around us now nature shows us the cycle of death and rebirth.  It is a time of great transition where the light wanes and the temperatures drop. October is a time for clearing away the old unnecessary things or habits that no longer serve us.  It is a time when we honor those who have died and the gifts they brought us when they were here on earth.  We set the intention during October that winter will come and go with the least negative effects. For our ancestors this was quite a serious process. 

In today's terms we are still dealing with the energies of the August Eclipse, The tense Geo Political environment and all the world catastrophes including multiple Hurricanes, Earthquakes and Volcano's.  Some believe that our Earth has "wobbled" making these major events happen.  For those of us who are energetically sensitive these events can make it more difficult for us to remain in our grounded center.  We need to be constantly vigilant about practices that help us stay grounded to the earth.  You can do this through meditation, body work, walking in nature. Self care and self awareness are key themes in October and beyond.

Try to remain aware of a bigger picture, be in tune with the cycles that are occurring all around you.   Once we get in touch with our inner selves we are better able to navigate the world of change which is all around us. That leads us to our oil of the month which is just perfect for these energies:  

The Oil of the Month is VALOR

Valor Essential Oil balances the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional energies of the body when applied to shoulders and/and feet; or used in conjunction withReflexology, massage therapy and the Raindrop Technique.


When we have more courage to take on new things and/or change, we are better able to release old patterns that are not working for us.

Valor's smell is very soothing and calming and is great inhaled after a long stressful day.  

When the body, mind and spirit are aligned, we are able to open and release emotional barriers that are keeping us stuck. This oil allows us to have the courage and self-esteem to overcome those things that are holding us back. Remember, when we are stressed or worried we are creating imbalance in our bodies on all levels.

How do I Use Valor Oil?

Use NEAT (undiluted) then,

·    Apply several drops (2-4) to wrists, chest, base of neck, bottom of feet

·    Add several drops (2-4) to bath water

·    Directly inhale, diffuse

·    Use in Raindrop Technique.

Can this oil be used for Animals? Yes. Very calming to animals.

Our Oracle Card of the Month: 

Our card of the month is from Doreen Virtue's Archangel Michael Deck: "Ask Archangel Michael to Help you with this Situation". 


The situation that’s concerning you can improve with Archangel Michael’s help. This card serves as a reminder that it’s never too late to get the angels involved, and their assistance will improve everything immediately . . . including giving you inner peace, new ideas, and insights. Michael will help you in ingenious and unexpected ways, so be open to miracles that take on surprising forms.

Possible specific meanings: Know that you’re powerful—you’re not a victim • Release any blame for yourself or others • Focus upon solutions, not problems • Allow other people to help you • Keep an open mind to alternative solutions.


This month we will hold another Sound Healing Meditation Circle on SUNDAY October 15th from 10 AM to 11:30 AM. There are only a few spots left. Contact me ASAP if you are interested. (914) 365-8788 or rosehealing@optonline.net

Special Rose Healing Blog: Hurricane Harvey


Hurricane Harvey Disaster Response Options

Some of you who read my monthly blog asked about Hurricane Harvey and the Energy around this event.  First I want to make sure that everyone knows how to HELP.  So here are a few suggestions on what you can do to help those affected by Hurricane Harvey:

1.  DONATE Money – even $10 helps.


The Red Cross is actually on the ground in Texas doing the work now in over capacity shelters. In addition, a list of reputable organization to donate to is available through this New York Times article: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/28/us/donate-harvey-charities-scams.html

2.  DONATE Blood – Locally. 


3. Send Prayers and Heart Waves

If you cannot afford to donate money or give blood or in addition to doing those things, please PRAY.  Please see my friend and fellow Energy Medicine practitioner Dina Kennedy’s blog piece on “Sending Heart Waves to Texas” for a unique approach. 

Here is what is NOT HELPFUL from a Donation perspective:   

Over the next few days, weeks and months there will be thoughts of sending supplies, food, clothing or God forbid – stuffed animals.   Unless this effort is closely coordinated with a major organization like the Red Cross it just makes matters worse.  See link below for proof: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/when-disaster-relief-brings-anything-but-relief/

Thoughts on the Energy Surrounding Hurricane Harvey.


As a heart-centered practitioner of energy medicine it is extremely difficult to continue to watch the devastation that has unfolded and will continue to unfold in Texas from Hurricane Harvey.  We see great stories of triumph, heroism and resiliency.  Exhausted first responders and volunteers, many of whom lost their own homes to flooding, out there helping their neighbors whether they know them or not.  A Houston police officer gave his life trying to save others.  This is an example the best of America. 

But there are also judgments and negative energy spewing about mostly on Social Media. The poster child on this might be the University of Tampa Professor of Sociology (now fired) who claimed Harvey is karmic payback to Texas. This is an example of the worst of America.   But thankfully there are many less of these stories than positive ones.  Maybe this is a lesson about how we put our own energy out into the world. WORDS MATTER. THOUGHTS MATTER. It is all Energy. Be a responsible citizen. Be aware of this especially on Facebook, Twitter etc. It is incredibly ironic and disturbing that this person was a professor of Sociology.  

Other examples of spewing include people both on TV and in social media who question the survivors. Why didn’t they evacuate?  Who’s to Blame?  Etc .etc. Perhaps Brene Brown – a famous author and a resident of Houston said it best on her post “Thank you for not judging. We were advised to stay here - we weren't reckless. Judgment and scolding about not evacuating are the opposite of empathy and helpful. It's painful.  It's also how people make themselves feel better when terrible things happen. They tell themselves: "I would have done something different. That will never be me."  I pray to God you're right - I hope you never watch your elderly neighbor stand waist-high in water and sob as their house gets destroyed. I hope this never happens to you. But if it does, I hope people don't lead with judgment. And a huge thank for not diminishing the request for prayer and thoughts. I'm a very involved citizen and I don't believe prayer and civil action are mutually exclusive. You don't have to denigrate one to support the other.”


Brene’s post reminded me that we all are responsible for our thoughts as we sit on our couches and watch the horror on TV.  Remember to try and stay positive within your own energy – even if it is incredibly difficult to do so. Send LOVE.

There is an opinion piece in the NY Times today on how “Houston was Warned” from an environmental perspective about the possibility of a devastating Hurricane coming someday.  In my other life, I spend a good amount of my time focusing on issues of land use planning, zoning, environmental protection, community organization  and emergency response.  So these are issues near and dear to my heart. The appropriate time for discussing the issues of over-development, zoning and inadequate storm surge planning will certainly come – as it did for all us in the Northeast who dealt with Hurricane Sandy.  But for now we have an actual disaster of EPIC proportions unfolding before our eyes and we need to find ways to HELP and NOT JUDGE.


Hurricane Harvey is the most devastating storm the U.S. has ever experienced.  In weather/flooding terms it is called a 500 year storm. As you already know there are parts of Houston (the 4th largest city in the U.S.) that have received over 52 inches of rain! Perhaps no amount of informed environment planning could prevent 52 inches of rain in one area from flooding a good portion of that place.

To give you some perspective, the area which is now submerged has reached 15 times the size of Manhattan. There are some incredibly detailed and impressive maps available through the NY Times and being continuously updated.  NYT Interactive Map Hurricane Harvey

It is clear that the breadth and scope of the impact of Hurricane Harvey will eclipse every other storm – including Katrina.  The disaster and the relief needed will be ongoing for weeks, months and even years.  Maybe we can find a way as a Nation to heal our perceived divisions (race, religion, political party, sexual identification/orientation) by instead actually focusing on the immediate issue of helping our fellow humans in a time of need.  Sending prayers and heart waves of love and strength together from every corner of our country is a good place to start.

