August 2022 - Authentic Success

Free Upcoming Event - Sunday August 7th at 11:00 AM at the Market on the River Under the Big Tree

Join me Sunday 8/7 at 11:11 AM for a Free Event where we will learn about our Light Centers in Meditation and I will be playing the Koshi Chimes at the Let It Shine, Inc. Market on the River @ Cortlandt Riverfront Park 45 Rivervew Avenue in Verplanck, NY.

What does success mean to you?

Authentic success is accepting your limitations while making peace with your past and identifying or enhancing your passion.  This allows your future to unfold according to a divine plan.  If you have no idea what your passion is start by getting quiet, going within and really being honest with yourself about what excites your spirit.    This is an opportunity to discover and call forth your gifts.  Remember the Divine is your co-creator – ask for help.  Quiet your mind and LISTEN for the answers. Start writing down ideas.   It can be grand or it can be very small.  Offering your gifts to the world can be a belief that just for today you will make a difference in one other person’s life.   If you can do that for just one person each day through a smile, a kind word, a shared laugh or a helping hand.  Each day do another thing.  Maybe you make a difference in two persons lives tomorrow!   

Authentic success is feeling good about who you are; appreciating where you've been; celebrating your achievements and honoring the distance you've already come.  Authentic success is reaching a point where being is as just as important as doing.  It is the steady pursuit of a dream and realizing that no matter how much time it takes for that dream to come true in the physical world, no day is ever wasted. Each day you can take one small step towards that dream.

Ultimately authentic success is not about accumulating but letting go.  This one was a hard one for me when I was younger. I was not believing that there is always enough. Realistically all you have is all you ever truly need.   Authentic success is knowing how simply abundant your life is exactly as it is today.  It is a deep invitation to be so grateful for the many blessings bestowed upon you and yours.

We can all go down the path of lack, of fear, of scarcity. With the daily onslaught of either the news of the price increases or the actual experience of putting food on the table, gas in your car, and having a roof over your head. When I go into those modes I like to constantly remind myself of how very fortunate I am.  Being in gratitude can help you shift every day.  Whenever you feel lack or scarcity begin a list of all the things you are grateful for. This is a powerful energy shifter.

I am very excited to be a Workshop Leader in an virtual intensive 4 day “Living in the Light” program led by Cheryl Banfield of Love Light Illuminations Center. Living In The Light is a vibrational training for all aspects of your being: Mind, Body, Spirit, Soul, Oneness. It is more unlearning than learning: It is for expanding self and universal awareness.

The morning sessions will consist of guided multidimensional sensory meditation. You will receive: transmissions of light, light code activations, and high resonant downloads with crystalline light frequencies.

The afternoon sessions will continue your transformational shifting through powerful workshops held by 4 light facilitators, all trained LoveLight Practitioners: Catherine Anesi, Rosemary Boyle Lasher, Mandy Mathiesen and Emily Medri. The workshops will provide interactive experiences and learning self-healing techniques for full integration of all 5 aspects of self: mind, body, spirit, soul and oneness. Living In The Light will bring you into energetic alignment by shifting your frequency. This allows the opportunity to reach newer understanding, access divine consciousness, step into cosmic flow and receive divine light, which you will then transmit out into the world.

More information is available. Learn more 

Life is largely a process of adaptation to the circumstances in which we exist
— Thomas Hanna in the book "Somatics"

August brings us the number 8 in Numerology

 8   is the number of powers, material and financial gain, achievement, reward, status, and satisfaction. The 8 Year vibration will provide the means – the personal power – with which to change the status quo and accomplish a significant goal that will alter the direction and quality of your journey. I closely follow Christine Delorey and love her work around numerology. Check her out at   

THE MOON is full on August 11th – this month it is known as the Sturgeon Full Moon.  It is also the final super moon of 2022.  August’s full Moon will appear on the night of Thursday, August 11, reaching peak illumination at 9:36 P.M. Eastern Time. On either of these nights, look toward the southeast after sunset to catch a glimpse of the Sturgeon Moon.  . 

The Crystal for August is Lapis Lazuli 

The name Lapis Lazuli means ‘blue stone,’ and it is sometimes referred to simply as Lapis.

The name comes from the Latin word ‘lapis’ meaning ‘stone’ and the Persian meaning ‘blue.’ The rich blue color of lapis lazuli brings to mind a heavenly sky, deep and expansive with flecks of gold that mimic shooting stars. The combination of gold and intense blue makes this gemstone a rare and exciting crystal specimen, to this day a favorite of many crystal collectors around the world.

In Ancient Egypt, it was used in cosmetics for thousands of years. It was even said that Michelangelo used lapis lazuli in powder form for blue pigments to color the frescoes in his Sistine Chapel. Lapis lazuli is considered one of the most precious and sought-after gems in history.  The deep, royal ultramarine blue of this particular gemstone has entranced the human eye for thousands of years. To many cultures, it represents power, abundance, mystical wisdom, and the afterlife and has a magical, mysterious charm.   It has been around for centuries, and its popularity still has not diminished. Today it is mined in the USA, Chile, Italy, and Afghanistan.

Love, Light and Blessings to you all. Rose Healing Center is here to help you manifest what you wish to bring in to your life whether it be peace, health, creativity or something else. We offer a variety of services (either virtually or in person) including energy healing, intuitive guidance, sound healing and body work.

July 2022 Spiritual Independence

Of course, my theme is driven by our July 4th holiday which honors a deeply meaningful date in history where our fore-fathers declared their political sovereignty from the oppression and governance of a limiting rule to become a nation that is self-governed, self-directed and self-responsible.

July is the month that is filled with the energy of summer and festivals, barbeques, family, friends, and outdoor activities. It is a beautiful time of the year where the speed of life seems to slow down just a bit. Really consider yourself in this equation of summer. It always goes so fast.  Try to find time for self-reflection and self-care as well as rest and relaxation this month.  So often our society mistakes much needed leisure time for laziness but nothing could be further from the truth.  We need rest, relaxation and fun!  Cherish this month.  

Crystal Harp Sound Bath at Kinosaito Art Center 7/1/22

I am so excited to have been invited to offer my Crystal Harp Sound Healing Experience live in person at Kinosaito Arts Center. Kinosaito is located in the newly renovated former St. Patrick’s Catholic School in Verplanck NY and is my alma mater! Please join me July 1st at 6 PM at this most unique space which allows plenty of room for those who wish to lie down or sit up for this transformative evening of sound healing with the Crystal Harp and Koshi Chimes. Get Tickets

What does it mean to be personally independent?

A true feeling of independence starts with an energy, a force that fuels and permeates the human spirit.    A sense of independence is also recognizing that freedom is a state of mind.  But it also means having awareness of connection, gratitude, cognizance, self-reliance, and safety.

  • A Sense of Connection – fostering healthy relationships

  • A Sense of Gratitude – nurturing an attitude of gratitude for all that you have

  • A Sense of Awareness – being awake to the moment

  • A Sense of Self-Reliance – knowing you can do it

  • A Sense of Dominion – owning your personal space

  • A Sense of Home – no matter where you are at any time, “home” is within

Personal independence is non-negotiable; a commodity that no one can ever take from you, because it has nothing to do with external stuff. Your personal sovereignty is where you reign. 

A few years ago, I came across an article online by Simone Wright that hit a nerve with me.  A portion of it is quoted below and I share a link to the full article after that.

“We do not gain true spiritual power by claiming independence from an external governing body (i.e. government, religion, education, parents, tribe, family). Nor do we gain strength by insisting or demanding that these entities give it to us – it cannot be given – for we already possess it. But in order for it to begin to work for us we must understand we possess it, then, acknowledge and claim it for ourselves.

Mind and how it is directed has the ability to determine how energy takes shape in the physical world. The external, created world we see, feel and experience as our reality, is a created thing.  It reflects our collective consciousness.” read the full article

Crystal of the Month – Drusy Spirit Quartz (aka Cactus Quartz)

Below is an image taken by Adam Slinsky of my incredibly gorgeous Drusy Spirit Torch. Yes, it is in the shape of a giant torch!  It is purple with hints of reddish iron oxides.

This crystal can appear like sparkling snow.  The Spirit Quartz is a gemstone of harmony, alignment, and nurturing spiritual growth. Also known as the cactus quartz or porcupine quartz, this gem takes its creative names from its intriguing appearance.  My Spirit Quartz is made up of a combination of Amethyst, Citrine, and Smoky Quartz with many other smaller crystals adorning its surface. For those looking to illuminate their spiritual path, the Spirit Quartz can be your perfect guide. 

Love, Light and Blessings to you all. Rose Healing Center is here to help you manifest what you wish to bring in to your life whether it be peace, health, creativity or something else. We offer a variety of services (either virtually or in person) including energy healing, intuitive guidance, sound healing and body work.


June 2022 Forgiveness and Our Crystal is Rhodochrosite

June is the month when most flowers really shine. So get outdoors and enjoy them! It is a time of year that is filled with celebrations – graduations, weddings, Father’s Day, etc. June 21st is the Summer Solstice and one of my most favorite days as it is always energetically powerful.

This theme is a difficult one for many of us. Whether we are tying to find forgiveness in our heart for world events or something much more personal.

There is a difference between forgiving from the heart and forgiving from the head.  Heart forgiveness begins with head forgiveness.  The decision from the head to forgive another person is meant to set us on a journey that accomplishes forgiveness from the heart.  Too often we perceive forgiveness as an event rather than a process. 

We believe that the decision to forgive and then speaking it out loud or confessing it to another person should bring the desired end.  Forgiveness is meant to bring great freedom to the heart – a release from anxiety, guilt, shame, judgment or fear.  Then why is it that we continue to struggle with these feelings once we have proclaimed forgiveness?  When the feelings return, we often turn shame and judgment back onto ourselves for not being able to forgive. This experience is an invitation to include OURSELVES in the forgiving. This can be a difficult concept. But the person we bring freedom to when we forgive is US.

Definition of Forgive:   for·give

Definitions from Oxford English Dictionary - verb: forgive; 3rd person present: forgives; past tense: forgave; gerund or present participle: forgiving; past participle: forgiven. to stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake.

One of the most critical component of forgiveness is to understand our own need to be forgiven.  We must know we are first forgiven before we are able to truly forgive another.  We have to be able to see our offender with eyes of mercy, understanding that we have the same potential to err and the same need to be forgiven.

If you are feeling like there is nothing you can do to help disturbing world events - consider how you can share love in your every day life. Smile at a stranger, share a kind word, help a neighbor or volunteer in your community. Spread love. Hug your family and friends, tell them you love them, appreciate them deeply. All of these events are reminders that life can be taken away in an instant. As incredibly difficult and heart-wrenching as these major events are, we must remember that we will heal. Hope will return against all odds because love is bigger than any horror or hate the world can throw at us.

June is the 6th month and brings us the energy of the number 6.  I closely follow Christine Delorey and love her work around numerology. Check her out at Christine says 6 is the number of family, parents, children, pets, home responsibility, neighborhoods, healing, education and balance.

We are in a major transition time and a huge shift in consciousness and vibration. Self-reflection, curiosity, optimism, and creativity will be required to help us navigate this month and the months to come.   June is also an opportunity at this half way point in the year to consider where we may have been holding onto old hurts or perceived transgressions.   Consider allowing yourself time in June to think about forgiving both yourself and the other person.   Take responsibility for your own shift, and stay in your own lane with regards to where others are in their navigation. Acceptance, neutrality and kindness go a long way to ease the discomfort of this time. Try to remember that for yourself first and then for others.  

When you forgive others, they may not notice, but you will heal. Forgiveness is not something we do for others; it is a gift to ourselves.    Iyanla Vanzant

Sound Healing with the Crystal Harp Coming to KinoSaito Art Gallery/Performance Space in Verplanck!

I am beyond excited to announce that I have been invited to offer a Crystal Harp Sound Healing Bath at KinoSaito on Friday July 1st at 6:00 PM. More details to come very soon. This is a lovely large space where we will be able to offer participants the opportunity to lie comfortably on the floor or sit in chairs while experiencing the unique Crystal harp. More details coming soon. Be sure to sign up for our emails or check back here to our website.

In the meantime, we are still offering our intimate sound healing with the crystal harp experience at Rose Healing on June 19th (almost sold out) and on July 24th. I will also be offering another Shammanic Journey with the Drum on August 7th at Rose Healing. These do tend to sell out so early sign up is encouraged. More information/signup.  

The full Strawberry Moon rises on Tuesday, June 14, 2022. This year, it's a supermoon! In the evening of Tuesday, June 14—just after sunset—look towards the southeast to watch the full Moon rise gently above the horizon. There, it will appear large and golden hued.  June’s full Moon—typically the last full Moon of spring or the first of summer—has traditionally been called the Strawberry Moon.

This name has been used by Algonquin, Ojibwe, Dakota, and Lakota peoples, among others, to mark the ripening of” June-bearing” strawberries that are ready to be gathered. The Haida term Berries Ripen Moon reflects this natural as well. As flowers bloom and early fruit ripens, June is a time of great abundance for many.  Source Farmer’s Almanac

June 21st brings us the beautiful Summer solstice.

Our Crystal for June 2022 is RHODOCHROSITE

Rhodochrosite is a pink and red stone with white swirls. It works with the heart chakra and promotes self-love and love of others.  Its beautiful gentle energy brings the vibration of self-love, forgiveness and compassion.   It is also known as the Compassionate Heart stone. It empowers users to honestly examine old wounds and traumas, acknowledge the associated pain and releasing it together with any negative behaviors that were adopted as coping mechanisms.

Love, Light and Blessings to you all. Rose Healing Center is here to help you manifest what you wish to bring in to your life whether it be peace, health, creativity or something else. We offer a variety of services (either virtually or in person) including energy healing, intuitive guidance, sound healing and body work.


May 2022 Nurturing

When you plant the seed of love – it is you who blossoms. 
— Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavita

Welcome May. While it has taken a while, spring seems to have finally arrived.  You can see it in the blooming trees and sprouting leaves.  In the Hudson Valley area of NY it is still a little chilly as we begin May but we know warmer weather is on the way. May is also the month we celebrate Mother’s Day and all the incredible women in our lives.  

Great mothers are known for their nurturing ways.  So, our theme for May is “Nurturing”.   Particularly self – nurturing.  How do you nurture yourself?  Do you allow time for self-care?  What does self-care mean to you?  If you are a mother of young children do you believe that it is even in your realm of possibility?  We each need to give ourselves permission for rest, relaxation and self-care and often times that might mean asking for help. Even to get 5 minutes alone in a shower.  

May is the 5th month of the year – the number 5 symbolizes an equilibrium or balance. It implies you must maintain a healthy sense of proportion in your life in terms of both the physical and the spiritual. the number 5 also brings emphasis to your physical body, your sexual energy, and the way in which your body, mind, and emotions are able to adapt to change. physical matter changes constantly and that you can either prosper from these changes or be overwhelmed by them.

Our full Moon in May occurs on May 16th - it is also known as the Flower Moon. This year it is also an Supermoon Eclipse. More info on the Eclipse and how to view it: Some say that during Eclipses what you focus upon multiples and magnifies so be aware of that and set your mindset accordingly. In other words search for the positive to focus on. We also have Mercury Retrograde in May starting on May 10th and running all the way to June 3rd. So there is quite a bit of star/sky/moon/planet energy going on in May. Practices to assist with this time include grounding, meditation and body work to help with these energies.

It is through our hands that we speak to the child. That we communicate. Touch is the first language, understanding comes long after feeling.
— Frederick Leboyer


Several clients have been requesting a return to offering the Shamanic Journey with the Drum. I am happy to offer this again.   There will be two dates offered – Sunday May 22, 2022 at 10 AM and Sunday June 19, 2022 at 10 AM. Limited to 8 participants.   LEARN MORE

In this offering Rosemary will lead you on a journey of discovery. Studies have shown that experiencing drumming can change brain wave activity, inducing a state of calm and focused awareness.  We will be focusing on what you want to bring into your life or manifest in your life.  In advance of the session participants are encouraged to think about or write down 2 or intentions.   MORE INFO SHAMANIC DRUM

In addition, we will still be offering our Crystal Harp Sound Meditations – Sundays May 15 and June 12 both at 10 AM.  In person group sound meditations with the Crystal Harp. The approximate 50 min session includes guided meditation, sound healing and sharing. Participants report feeling residual tension and stress melting away from their body, mind and spirit as the soothing tones & vibrations gently penetrate their field.  MORE INFO CRYSTAL HARP

 A great idea for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Birthday’s or really any occasion - is a GIFT CERTIFICATE to Rose Healing Center. LEARN MORE

“A mother’s hug lasts long after she lets go” K. Anthony Wilson

Another aspect of being a nurturing person is possibly also being called an empathetic person or an “empath”.  Empaths’ seem to be getting more and more attention these days as people who “feel too much”.   “Empathy” definition from Wikipedia: Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, i.e., the capacity to place oneself in another's position. There are many definitions for empathy that encompass a broad range of emotional states. Types of empathy include cognitive empathy, emotional empathy, and somatic empathy.  If you think you a person who feels “too much” and might be picking up on other people’s energy, then you might want to consider these few steps to self-care:  

  • Establish a daily practice that you do for yourself.  A daily prayer, meditation, walk in nature or whatever feeds your soul and helps you be connected to you and spirit.

  • Learn to say “NO”.  No is a complete sentence. It does not require any further explanation. You can add “NO, Thank you.” If it makes you feel better.

  • Have regular body work.  Reflexology, Craniosacral and consider incorporating or learning about how crystals can help ground and you. Rose Healing Center can help with this.  


The kambaba stone is known for promoting peace and tranquility. It is able to do so by removing blockages in the base and heart chakras. This assists in alleviating negativity and promoting serenity and clarity. In terms of physical benefits, it is also believed to help aid digestion. This stone is particularly useful for relationship difficulty of a professional or personal nature. Many choose to have one near them in their workplace or home to promote harmonious interactions.

Kambaba Jasper is often called Green Stromatolite Jasper, and is sometimes referred to as Crocodile Rock or Crocodile Jasper. It is a stone imbued with the nourishing green energy of Nature. Its dark mystic circles and deep green swirls comforts and protects, calms and relaxes, soothing troubled minds and restoring balance to the body and spirit. Its slow steady frequency expands one’s ability to focus and is a remarkable aid in meditation, granting the release of negative thoughts and feelings.. It draws wisdom from its ancient life energies and encourages one to open the heart to loving the self and others more fully, and increases the ability to receive love in return. 

Like all Jaspers, Kambaba Jasper alleviates stress and induces tranquility. Its cleansing effect eliminates negative energy and stabilizes the aura. It a wonderful stone for banishing nightmares or harmful thoughts. Kambaba Jasper is particularly conducive to deep and peaceful sleep.  Place one by your bedside.

Rose Healing Center is here to help you manifest what you wish to bring in to your life whether it be peace, health, creativity or something else. We offer a variety of services (either virtually or in person) including energy healing, intuitive guidance, sound healing and body work.

April 2022 - Budding

April  brings the energy of the number 4 – it is the 4th month.  The number 4 is the number of trust, patience, organization and work; how things work, making things work, and working towards something that means a lot to you . 4 is the number of logic and intellectual reasoning. Plus we have April 4th - the 4th day of the 4th Month. The meaning of the number 44 is related to achievements, accomplishing goals, putting in hard work, and laying foundation or grounding. Seeing Master Number 44 can mean you are driven to achieve your goals, need reassurance to keep going, or need to build a foundation on which to build. Many believe the number 4 possesses energies of the Archangels.

Our theme for April is “Budding”. Since ancient times, people have associated the seasons with different energies. Spring is associated with rebirth and renewal.  As the snow melts and the ground softens, life is brought back to the earth. Nature begins her rebirth process and we are each invited to begin our rebirth process.  Spring is always a time when we are aware of transitions. This spring we are also experiencing a huge shift in consciousness and vibration. Take responsibility for your own shift, and stay in your own lane with regards to where others are in their own navigation.   As we continue to pray for peace in the world, we must also remember to have peace within ourselves.  

This time  is a call to recognize the oneness of humanity, to allow us to open to compassion. We have a window of time right now that favors subtle action-- prayer, energy work, meditation.  April is also the month we celebrate Passover and Easter.  Our Quote reflects some aspects of the Easter holiday.

Even in the midst of fear and suffering, keep your heart open; this will invoke a miracle. The symbolic “three days” between the crucifixion and the resurrection represents the time it takes for a situation to transform from fear to love. Have patience and faith during the “tomb time” in between the two. Things might still appear dark, but the light is coming.
— Marianne Williamson

 April bring us the experience of flowers budding and plants beginning to grow.   Nature is “budding” and so are we.  Animals begin their mating season, bringing new life into this world. We feel this energy too. There is more life within us.  After the cold winter, we feel the joy and refreshing powers of spring. We begin to embrace being outside again.

Energetically April is a month to take risks and have faith, reaching for a better life, more meaningful relationships, increased health or whatever you want to manifest. Spring is the energy that can help it burst into life. When we think about transferring that to our spiritual lives, what it is we wish to experience this spring and even into summer?   How can we plant the seeds now for our desires to manifest?  Often, we can find when we get in touch with our higher self, we find inspired possibilities, new ideas and creativity. Some thought-provoking themes to consider:

 This is a time of initiating a new self, a new expression and a new experience.

  • What do you want your life to feel like?

  • What is out of balance and needs to be trimmed?

  • Are you in balance with your doing and your being, giving and receiving? 

It is an exciting time, a difficult time, an unstable time as Spring always seems to be.  Metaphysically the Earth is giving birth to a new landscape and we can work with that energy to bring new experiences into our lives.  

The Benefits of Sound Baths

If you have not had the chance to experience a Sound Bath with the Crystal Harp, our next two are 11:00 AM Saturday  April 9 and Saturday May 14 – advance signup required. Space is limited.  

 8 participant max
50 Minute Session includes: the Crystal Harp, Guided Meditation, Sound, & Sharing!
$25 per person - advance signup required.
Past participants report feeling residual tension & stress melting away from their body, mind and spirit as the soothing tones & vibrations gently penetrate their field.  

Benefits of a group sound bath can include anxiety relief, deeper sleep, a calm mind, lowered stress response, and feelings of compassion and connection.   Stress and anxiety relief are two of the biggest draws, but sound baths may also help remedy other stress-related ailments like sleep disorders, chronic pain and PTSD, and more.  When we are able to influence and modify our brain waves through sound, we can positively affect our nervous system and physiology.  

Sound baths also offer a way to unplug. Researchers highlight that excess use of technology reduces attention span, and we are constantly checking our phones.  While it seems easy enough, if you’ve ever actually tried to meditate, you know it can be challenging.  Using a sound bath as an approach to meditation can help.   

Crystal of the month for April 2022 - Aquamarine

Aquamarine harnesses the soothing and cleansing powers of water. Associated with the water element, this stone powerfully nurtures and renews one’s emotional body. It emits gentle, compassionate energy and inclines people towards service and generosity. Useful for dealing with change, it connects to the transitioning of the seasons, from winter to spring.

In the language of gemstones, aquamarine represents happiness, hope and everlasting youth. In ancient times, aquamarine was thought to protect those at sea. It was believed to make sailors fearless and safe from adversaries on the open waters. 


THE APRIL FULL MOON will occur on Saturday, April 16th.

April’s full Moon rises on the night of Saturday, April 16. Traditionally called the Pink Moon, this full Moon is also the Paschal Full Moon this year. Here’s everything you should know about the Moon this month, including facts, folklore, and Moon phase dates. 

This year, April’s full Moon is the first full Moon of the spring season, which began with the spring equinox on March 20, 2022. This means that April’s full Moon is the Paschal Full Moon—an important Moon to those who celebrate Easter, since Easter’s date depends on the date of the Paschal Full Moon.  Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon (i.e., the first full Moon of spring), which means that it will be celebrated this year on Sunday, April 17 (following the full Moon on Saturday, April 16). 

Why Is It Called the Pink Moon? The full Moon names used by The Old Farmer’s Almanac come from a number of places, including Native American, Colonial American, and European sources. Traditionally, each full Moon name was applied to the entire lunar month in which it occurred, not only to the full Moon. Although we wish this name had to do with the color of the Moon, the reality is not quite as mystical or awe-inspiring. In truth, April’s full Moon often corresponded with the early springtime blooms of a certain wildflower native to eastern North America:  creeping phlox or moss phlox—which also went by the name “moss pink.”  Thanks to this seasonal association, this full Moon came to be called the “Pink” Moon! Source: Farmer’s Almanac.

Rose Healing Center is here to help you manifest what you wish to bring in to your life whether it be peace, health, creativity or something else. We offer a variety of services (either virtually or in person) including energy healing, intuitive guidance, sound healing and body work.

March 2022 - Body of Wisdom

March brings the energy of the number 3 – it is the 3rd month.  The Number 3 is highly expressive. It encourages us to express our truth, speak up, and communicate our needs and desires to ourselves, others, and the world. The number 3 represents the sum of who we are- a mind, body, and spirit. It represents the harmony and balance that is achieved when we are in alignment.  Staying balanced and paying attention to the messages of your mind, body, and soul is going to be important around this time.

Our theme for March is the Wisdom of Your Body. One of the foundational principles of craniosacral therapy is to work with the body’s natural ability to heal itself.  Rather than trying to fix the client’s issues, our intention as craniosacral therapists is to amplify the client’s health so that their nervous system becomes resourced enough to address issues on its own. 

Therapies themselves cannot cure, but they can trigger and support a process of inner change. My work as a therapist is simply to create the conditions for the inherent energy of the patient to get to work.  Each of us should feel encouraged to take responsibility for our own health. Unfortunately, from an early age we are taught that our bodies are like specialized pieces of machinery that we are not qualified to deal with.   This is false.  In many ways, we have become dis-empowered, giving all our responsibilities to the doctor or therapist or a healer to make us better. As a result, we may have forgotten how to listen to our bodies and follow its intrinsic wisdom.

Health cannot be imposed from the outside. Ultimately, there is no wonder drug or wonder cure other than the intrinsic forces of nature. Healing is thus the prerogative of each individual.
— Dr. Michael Kern from his book, Wisdom in the Body: A Craniosacral Approach to Essential Health.

The process of taking responsibility may involve some re-education and deep curiosity.   We don’t have to fear or feel distanced from our body, especially when we’re sick. We can have confidence that our bodies are always in the midst of its miraculous “process of inner change.”.

We each learn, oftentimes through trial and error, how to support our bodies and create the best conditions for healing. The role of the practitioner isn’t to heal the client but rather is to help create the conditions for the client’s inner healing to unfold.

I personally turn to rest, craniosacral therapy, body work, time in nature, and permission to just have fun when I need it. These things help my body resource, recover, and maintain wellness.

What do you turn to support your body’s inner healing?  Please share in the comments or in this post on social media. It may help others to know what you do to support your body.

The full Moon in March is on March 18th (just a day after St. Patrick’s Day).  It is called the “Worm Moon”.

The full Moon names used by The Old Farmer’s Almanac come from a number of places, including Native American, Colonial American, and European sources.

March’s full Moon goes by the name Worm Moon, which was originally thought to refer to the earthworms that appear as the soil warms in spring. The worms invite robins and other birds to feed—a true sign spring is on it’s way!  

Sound Bath with the Crystal Harp - March 19, 2022 @ 11:00 AM with Rosemary

I am excited to again be offering In person Sound Baths with the Crystal Harp at Rose Healing.  Our next one will be Saturday 3/19/22 at 11:00 AM.  ⤷ at the Rose Healing Center (171 16th St, Verplanck, NY 10596)

8 participant max
45 Minute Session includes: the Crystal Harp, Guided Meditation, Sound, & Sharing!
$25 per person - advance signup required.
Past participants report feeling residual tension & stress melting away from their body, mind and spirit as the soothing tones & vibrations gently penetrate their field. 

 Our crystal for this month is Black Obsidian

World events seem to perfectly lend themselves to the selection of Black Obsidian as our stone of the month.  Through the ages, black obsidian has been used to connect the spiritual world to the physical one and is popular in many communities across the globe for its metaphysical properties. It is a wonderful grounding stone. Black obsidian is a deep black stone when tumbled or sculpted, has a shiny surface.

It is very hard and smooth and can have sharp edges in its raw form. It is used in jewelry and home decor for both its intense beauty and its powerful properties. Black obsidian is often associated with mystery and has a very strong ability to absorb. For this reason, it is used often in Feng Shui, spiritual connection and protection. It is also known as a spiritual cleanser because of its ability to absorb psychic smog and help to see things more clearly.

Rose Healing is here to help you navigate this turbulent times. Please see the section of the website work with me for more information.