June is the month when most flowers really shine. So get outdoors and enjoy them! It is a time of year that is filled with celebrations – graduations, weddings, Father’s Day, etc. June 21st is the Summer Solstice and one of my most favorite days as it is always energetically powerful.
This theme is a difficult one for many of us. Whether we are tying to find forgiveness in our heart for world events or something much more personal.
There is a difference between forgiving from the heart and forgiving from the head. Heart forgiveness begins with head forgiveness. The decision from the head to forgive another person is meant to set us on a journey that accomplishes forgiveness from the heart. Too often we perceive forgiveness as an event rather than a process.
We believe that the decision to forgive and then speaking it out loud or confessing it to another person should bring the desired end. Forgiveness is meant to bring great freedom to the heart – a release from anxiety, guilt, shame, judgment or fear. Then why is it that we continue to struggle with these feelings once we have proclaimed forgiveness? When the feelings return, we often turn shame and judgment back onto ourselves for not being able to forgive. This experience is an invitation to include OURSELVES in the forgiving. This can be a difficult concept. But the person we bring freedom to when we forgive is US.
Definition of Forgive: for·give
Definitions from Oxford English Dictionary - verb: forgive; 3rd person present: forgives; past tense: forgave; gerund or present participle: forgiving; past participle: forgiven. to stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake.
One of the most critical component of forgiveness is to understand our own need to be forgiven. We must know we are first forgiven before we are able to truly forgive another. We have to be able to see our offender with eyes of mercy, understanding that we have the same potential to err and the same need to be forgiven.
If you are feeling like there is nothing you can do to help disturbing world events - consider how you can share love in your every day life. Smile at a stranger, share a kind word, help a neighbor or volunteer in your community. Spread love. Hug your family and friends, tell them you love them, appreciate them deeply. All of these events are reminders that life can be taken away in an instant. As incredibly difficult and heart-wrenching as these major events are, we must remember that we will heal. Hope will return against all odds because love is bigger than any horror or hate the world can throw at us.
June is the 6th month and brings us the energy of the number 6. I closely follow Christine Delorey and love her work around numerology. Check her out at creativenumerology.com. Christine says 6 is the number of family, parents, children, pets, home responsibility, neighborhoods, healing, education and balance.
We are in a major transition time and a huge shift in consciousness and vibration. Self-reflection, curiosity, optimism, and creativity will be required to help us navigate this month and the months to come. June is also an opportunity at this half way point in the year to consider where we may have been holding onto old hurts or perceived transgressions. Consider allowing yourself time in June to think about forgiving both yourself and the other person. Take responsibility for your own shift, and stay in your own lane with regards to where others are in their navigation. Acceptance, neutrality and kindness go a long way to ease the discomfort of this time. Try to remember that for yourself first and then for others.