July 2023 💫 Finding Joy 💫 Ruby
/Finding Joy in everyday life
Spotlight On: Shamanic Journey with the Drum at Rose Healing on 7/30, Kinosaito Sound Baths for remainder of 2023- all dates on sale now!
Stone of the Month: Ruby (in Fuchsite)
Quote of the Month: “I am willing to grow through joy rather than through pain or struggle”. Sanaya Roman
Book of the Month: Living with Joy: Sanaya Roman
Shamanic Journey with the Sacred Drum - July 30th at Rose Healing.
Join us in an intimate setting (limited to 8 participants) as we come together to meditate and set intention for a journey with the sacred drum. I will lead you on a guided journey of discovery to your higher self. Studies have shown that drumming changes brain wave activity, inducing a state of calm and focused awareness. We will be focusing on what you want to bring into your life or manifest in your life.
Sound Baths at Kinosaito - see dates below
This is a unique group experience where participants will sit on a chair or lay down on a bean bag, learn a bit about Sound Baths and sound healing and soak in the sounds of the crystal harp and koshi chimes.
Remaining Dates for Kinosaito in 2023: These almost always sell out - get your tickets now:
Fri 4 Aug. 2023 | 6pm RSVP
Fri. 29 Sept. 2023 | 6pm RSVP
Fri. 10 Nov. 2023 | 6pm RSVP
Shine On Retreats for Women at Mariandale 8/18/23 to 8/20/23
Don't miss this summer weekend retreat: an opportunity to relax, refresh, and rejuvenate your body, mind and soul at Mariandale. Kacey from Shine On, The Health & Happiness show, will gather a group of wellness experts to help you find your "Shine."
The weekend will include some yoga, meditation, reiki, sound healing, sunsets, nature walks and as always a few surprises! There will be ample time to enjoy the grounds and river views, take a dip or just sit by the pool for community and conversation. Kacey, along with Maria Morabito, certified event planner, will create a safe and inviting space filled with comfort and light. Rosemary Lasher of the Rose Healing Center will be a presenter. You will feel nurtured and supported in this very welcoming Circle of Women.
Our theme for July is Finding Joy
Joy is a precious gift that we all deserve to experience. It can be found in the smallest of things, like witnessing a beautiful sunset. But sometimes, it can be hard to find joy in our lives. In today's world, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to slow down and appreciate the simple joys.
We are also almost perfectly at the halfway point of 2023, where we have an opportunity to “see” things in a different light, to see things more clearly – to more accurately understand and to choose to experience life differently - perhaps by inviting in joy.
It is important to make time for joy in our lives, as it can have a number of benefits for our physical and mental health including:
Reduce stress and anxiety
Improve sleep
Boost the immune system
Promote creativity and productivity
Strengthen our relationships
Go inward for a moment and ask yourself what you can do today or tomorrow specifically to bring more joy into your life. Ask what you can do to let go of the power struggle or an issue that might be going on in your life that is draining your energy? What can you do today or tomorrow to free up a little more of your time?
Joy is a choice. We can choose to focus on the negative aspects of life, or we can choose to focus on the positive. When we choose to focus on the positive, we open ourselves up to joy. Try making a conscious effort to invite joy into your life. It's one of the best things you can do for your health and happiness.
If you're looking for ways to invite more joy into your life, here are a few tips:
“I am willing to grow through joy rather than through pain or struggle. ”
Spend time in nature. There's something about being surrounded by trees, flowers, and animals that can instantly boost our mood. Take a walk in the park, go for a hike, or simply sit in your backyard and enjoy the fresh air.
Do something you love. Whether it's reading, painting, or playing music, make time for the activities that make you happy. When you're doing something you love, it's hard to feel anything but joy.
Spend time with loved ones. Our relationships are one of the most important sources of joy in our lives. Make time for the people who matter most to you, and let them know how much you appreciate them.
Help others. One of the best ways to find joy is to give it away. Helping others is a great way to connect with our community and make a difference in the world.
Be grateful. Take some time each day to reflect on all the things you're grateful for. This can be anything from your health and family to your home and job. When we focus on the positive, it's easier to find joy in our lives.
Joy is a choice. Smile! We can choose to focus on the negative and let it bring us down, or we can choose to focus on the positive and find joy in the simple things. It's up to us. I hope these tips help you to invite more joy into your life. If you have having trouble finding joy in your life, Rose Healing Center can help.
Crystal of the Month for July is Ruby in Fuchsite
Ruby is also July’s birthstone
Fuchsite is a green variety of muscovite mica that on rare instances contains tiny red corundum crystals (ruby). With beautiful greens and pinks, the colorful gemstone Ruby in Fuchsite works as an aid to help us find solutions. It's known to be a symbol of love and friendship — which makes perfect sense as it's a heart chakra stone. This stone can help in amplifying passion, harmony and positivity. It's a very powerful talisman for healing and growth.
Full Moon in July arrives 7/3/23 at 12.38 pm EST
July's full moon is known as the buck moon because July is when male deer, or bucks, are growing new antlers for the season. The name has Native American origins, according to the Farmer's Almanac. Other nicknames for the July full moon include the salmon moon, berry moon and thunder moon.
The Book of the Month: Living with Joy by Sanaya Roman
Rose Healing Center is here to support you. We offer both in person and virtual sessions and welcome the opportunity for you to become more healthy, centered, grounded and peaceful. Feel free to reach out over the next month for any way we might be of service to you.